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WOLVERINE Madripoor Knights #4, Captain America


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Creative Team

Writer: Chris Claremont; Artist: Edgar Salazar; Color Artist: Carlos Lopez; Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit; Cover Artists: Phillip Tan & Sebastian Cheng; Variant Cover Artists: Dan Jurgens, Brett Breeding & Alex Sinclair.

WOLVERINE Madripoor Knights by Marvel Comics

This comic book run takes place right after the infamous comic book, The Uncanny X-Men #268. To enjoy this current comic, you don’t need to go looking for a comic that is over 30 years old (although it never hurts to do so). The beginning of this issue, catches you right up.

Issue 3 left off with Wolverine and Captain America being back to full strength, however, Black Widow and the weapon they are seeking have vanished with the Hand.

Check out another Wolverine comic book review.

WOLVERINE Madripoor Knights #4 - All images by Marvel Comics.
WOLVERINE Madripoor Knights #4 – All images by Marvel Comics.

The Story for Issue 4

Wolverine, Madripoor Knights has been all about the relationship between Wolverine, Captain America, and Black Widow. These three couldn’t be more different, yet they compliment each other beautifully. Not only in personality, but in fighting styles as well. They also have history. Logan and Steve are determined to save their friend once again. The Hand wants her, but they know how dangerous she could be in their (no pun intended) hands, and that she deserves so much more than that as well. With both a physical and supernatural threat looming, Cap and Wolvie only have so much time to save her, and doing so could make things even worse.

WOLVERINE Madripoor Knights #4, Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
WOLVERINE Madripoor Knights #4, Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.

The Art

While this comic delivers the beautiful X-Men style art we have come to know and love, there is a little extra beauty on these pages as well. From detailed close ups, to scenes played out in SNIKT, to a simple silhouette. The pages are as much fun to look at as the story is to get lost in.

WOLVERINE Madripoor Knights Rating 9/10

All in all this X-Men #286 spinoff has been non stop action, suspense, and fun. This trio of superheroes are turning out to be the best at what they do, even if their best doesn’t always turn out how they hope. As we anticipate the next issue, we get a glimpse of what’s to come, and it looks all too familiar, but with a dark twist.

Lauren is half of Hops GEEK News: a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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