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Wolverine, Issue 49: Sabretooth War Part 9


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Creative Team

Writers: Benjamin Percy & Victor La Valle; Artist: Geoff Shaw; Colorist Artist: Alex Sinclair; Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit; Cover Artists: Leinil Francis Yu & Romulo Fajardo Jr.; Variant Cover Artists: Mahmud Asrar; E.M. Gist; David Nakayama; Leinil Francis Yu.

Wolverine by Marvel Comics

This run of Wolverine has been going on since 2020, however, the Sabretooth War is a 10 issue arc, and we’re currently on 9. You can go back to issue 1, kick it off with Issue 41 (the start of the Sabretooth War), or dive right into the fun with this issue. There’s always a recap at the beginning to refresh everyone’s memory, or for those who are just joining the party. 

Last we saw Wolverine, he was still without his mutant healing factor. However, mutant powers or not, he has the tools  he needs to take down Sabretooth. 

Check out another review for an amazing Wolverine story, that recently began: Weapon X-Men.

Wolverine #49 Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Wolverine #49 Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.

The Story for Issue 49

We kick off with Sabretooth stuck in a simulation, knowing it’s fake, but feeling like it’s real. He’s stuck in a memory, but not in the way he remembers it. However, the goal of said simulation doesn’t lead where it should. Meanwhile, in reality, Sabretooth’s son, Bad Seed, is none too pleased with dad. As he continues his mission, we see Laura continue to escape the chaos of the Sabreteeth, while a depowered Wolverine seems more ready to fight than ever.

Wolverine #49 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Wolverine #49 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.

The Art

I have loved this art throughout the past 4 years of this series, however, this issue seemed to get a bit more dark and beautiful. We don’t just see scenes going from panel to panel. We see the story being told in creative ways that keep the story flowing. At one point there’s a silhouette of Sabretooth’s head with scenes of his memories being played out. It’s art that makes you stop for a moment to take in the story on a deeper level, all the while getting lost in it at the same time.

Wolverine #49 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
Wolverine #49 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.

Wolverine #49 Rating:  9/10

With only one issue left of the Sabretooth War, we’ve been set up for an ultimate battle. We have a human Wolverine in a suit made of adamantium with the Muramasa blade against Sabretooth who has way too much fun murdering people. Yet he also seems to really just miss his favorite little runt. This is a battle that has been in the making for longer than Logan can even remember. Wolverine is grieving the loss of his son, while Sabretooth’s son wants nothing more than to kill his father (and Logan). While so many want Sabretooth taken down forever, defeating a mad man who truly enjoys tormenting others will be no easy feat. Nevertheless, it’s always good to have someone who is “the best at what they do.” SNIKT!

Lauren is half of Hops GEEK News: a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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