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BY A THREAD #4 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the saga of the Shroud ends its’ debut on ComiXology Originals. With one door closing, another has been announced to open.

Dark Horse Comics is releasing the Best Jackett Press series in print form on December 18th, 2024. Until then, let’s see how Jo and his friends make out in their encounter with Charon!

BY A THREAD #4 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals) looks to bring fans an unforgettable ending.

Let’s take a closer look and see how things fare.


The story begins with the immediate fallout of Jo losing his arm to the Shroud. The mood is reflective at how dangerous Jo walked towards being killed. Witht he shroud leaving a facial scar, Jo’s friends see him in the hospital. One friend who comes bearing gifts is Charlie.

Charlie bears the guilt of causing Jo’s injury. A metal arm lies beneath the wrapping paper. Jo is happily surprised to see it. Charlie hopes this can lead to some forgiveness. It leads to an impromptu kiss which Jo isn’t ready for. Charlie leaves before he can react.


The story shifts back to the cold reality of the new world. Jo and friends are locked away in a crystal jail. Rowan has set them up for his own devious plan.

What does Rowan have in mind with Jo and company? Readers find out there is much more that just Jo’s journey at hand. A showdown is set in motion that could change the course of everything.

The pace fires on all cylinders as the action unfolds. During the chaos, who will be left standing? With the closing pages, a new course is set for when readers head back into the abyss of the Shroud.

BY A THREAD #4 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals)

What a mic dropping ending. Scott and Jack Snyder drive the emotional points right through to the conclusion. Jo’s backstory connects with readers about the uncertainty of the new world.

It’s a perfect set-up for their present struggle. The reveal of Rowan opens up many possibilities to where things can head next. The direction that the story leans into is an excellent build for the feverish last act.

With the climactic ending, there are many moving elements at hand. The writing manages to close in on Jo, who steals the spotlight with his actions. The fallout presents an intriguing new course of action.

Once the final page hits, readers will want to dive right back as the next course will set things in a new avenue to follow along with. Amazing work on display with the finale.

Favoccia and Cogar give readers many huge images to rave about. The emotional innocence of youth is shown in the opening segments. It gives a happier timeframe before the darker times of the present. Rowan’s reveal is crafted with a full page split of panels featuring the major player involved.

This is complimented with a full page displaying the showdown of Rowan and Charon. There’s no way readers see this and not get excited for what follows. From here, the action doesn’t stop as events keep escalating to a grand finale. The fallout leaves readers for now with an image that leaves no doubt the saga is far from over.


With Rowan’s plans revealed, Jo and his friends have to find a way to survive in a thrilling arc conclusion. The fantastic writing of Scott and Jack Snyder takes readers on a rollercoaster of events. Favoccia layers the chapter with superb imagery that elevates the saga to new levels. By A Thread is a series that readers simply can’t afford to miss.

Hit me up on ODPHpod Social media and let me know your thoughts on By A Thread #4. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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