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SUPERMAN #11 by Joshua Williamson, David Baldeón, Rex Lokus, and Ariana Maher (DC COMICS – Cover: Jamal Campbell)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, The Man of Steel has returned home from a trip to the past. Unfortunately, Superman gets a deadly surprise waiting for him. Dr. Pharm and Mr. Graft have upped their attacks on Supes’ greatest enemy. With their Lex Luthor Revenge Squad almost complete, Superman is given a choice with no happy ending. Will anyone survive this latest barrage?

SUPERMAN #11 by Joshua Williamson, David Baldeón, Rex Lokus, and Ariana Maher looks to answer that question.

Let’s check out what the Man of Tomorrow’s latest challenge brings to the comic shops!



Superman has returned from the old west (time travel) to come back to a shocking discovery at LexCorp. Dr. Pharm and Mr. Graft, along with The Chained and an armored Leticia Luthor have attacked. With a cloud of Green kryptonite filling the room, Superman is weakened.

SUPERMAN #11 by Joshua Williamson, David Baldeón, Rex Lokus, and Ariana Maher (DC COMICS – Cover: Lee Bermejo)

While on the ground, he hears the plans this team has for him. They want to recruit Superman to their Lex Luthor Revenge Squad. The addition would be the ultimate factor in crushing Luthor for his past actions against the group.

Previous, the story focuses on Lena Luthor (Lex’s daughter) consulting the SuperCorp AI about her file. Readers see the cold reaction Lex has towards his child. Lena’s grandmother walks in and discusses what was divulged.

Readers see how the building to Superman’s return went down. From the deadly duo’s initial moves to Letica’s eventual betrayal, the final moves are set in place for Superman’s return. Once he is taken down, there is little options left.


How does Superman survive this situation? The drama ramps as it appears all is lost. Once the final pages begin, readers see why no matter what, few people understand Superman like Lex does. This also applies in reverse as the closing image sets forth a damaging reveal which the Man of Steel’s world may not recover from.

Williamson catches readers up to speed before sending them into a action filled close. The motives of Pharm and Graft have challenged Luthor at every move. Seeing the deep level play to inflict a deep wound hits readers with a unique thought. Seeing their plan unfold proves for an entertaining ride.

SUPERMAN #11 by Joshua Williamson, David Baldeón, Rex Lokus, and Ariana Maher (DC COMICS – Cover: Warren Louw)

The closing points mirrors classic Superman reactions. Its’ fallout is another example of how Williamson refreshes the dynamic between Superman and Luthor for a challenging path forward. The series continues to raise a high bar for all Superman fans to enjoy.

Baldeón and Lokus start off with a strong two page spread with the squad’s “recruitment” of Superman. The dynamic between Letica and Lena varies at multiple times. The visuals use it for a great start to Letica’s eventual turn.

The action images later capture Superman truly in his element of fighting. This all leads into a lasting panel setting a dangerous course for the future of Metropolis.


The return home isn’t always welcome for the Man of Steel. The Lex Luthor Revenge Squad makes their final move with Williamson pacing the moves with great writing. Baldeón, Lokus and Maher construct energetic imagery with big reveals in the closing moments of the chapter. This is one Superman story you won’t want to miss.

Hit me up on ODPHpod Social Media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #11. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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