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Carnage #1 by Torunn Grosbeak, Pere Perez, Erick Arciniega, and Joe Sabino. (Credit Marvel Comics, cover by Paulo Siqueira.)

Creative Team:

Writer- Torunn Gronbekk

Artist- Pere Perez

Colorist- Erick Arciniega

Letterer- VC’s Joe Sabino

Cover- Paulo Siqueira


The Plot:

The story opens in Omnipotence City as the Symbiotic Carnage is causing havoc without a host cutting his way through anyone that stands before him in bloody fashion. It is revealed Carnage has conquered all his flaws and become a god at least in his mind as he comes face to face with The Lord Librarian seeking answers.

The Art:

You can always count on a comic featuring Carnage to include brutal and bloody action to which Pere and Erick do not shy away from in this issue. There is a scene where we get up close of Carnage tearing a poor soldiers head into two splattering colorful bits of blood everywhere with a beautiful shot of Carnage up close.

This issue is drawn and done vibrantly and beautiful in a sick way. It’s fun seeing the brutal fighting sequences play out and what the two can get away with here in this issue in the subsequent killing spree wrought by Kasady.

Carnage #1 by Torunn Grosbeak, Pere Perez, Erick Arciniega, and Joe Sabino. (Credit Marvel Comics, cover by Clayton Crain .)

The Writing:

Starting the story in a grand way in the cosmos and then bringing it down to earth level with a re-birthing sequence of Cletus Kasady was a fun direction to take this story. Torunn is committed to bringing us a fresh idea and chapter of Carnage that is evident on the pages.

You can’t have on without the other to which is described in a poetic way in the diner after Cletus makes his return after nearly a decade of absence in the world.

A standout for me is the way Kasady is written with the icy coldness of a winter morning that sends chills down to your bone. You get that feeling with every word spoken by them on each page.

Overall Thoughts:

A fresh new idea for a familiar character had to go hard in a big way and the team brings to life a terrifying new version of Carnage.

They do a great job introducing Flash as Anti-Venom building up to a showdown between the two.

I didn’t think they would be able to pass a scene where Nathaniel Jones is boiled alive in front of the masses but, those types of risks add to the frightening nature of Kasady and Carnage. This story has my attention.

5/5 Cigars.

Thank you for taking the time to read my review! You can find all of my other reviews here https://nerdinitiative.com/?s=HopsGeekNews. Follow me on social media @hopsgeeknews and let me know what comics are on your pull list!

Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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