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DC Horror Presents: Creature Commandos #5: This is the penultimate issue as the issue must succeed; however, the Commandos find themselves up against an army of powerful robots. Dr West’s past and present hinge on this mission. Can the Creature Commandos come through?
Creative Team:
David Dastmalchian (WRITER)
Jesus Hervas (ARTIST)
Alex Guimaraes (COLORIST)
Ferran Delgado (LETTERS)
Tirso (COVER)
The Story:
This issue sets up the future and is the climax of what we have worked towards in the past four issues. As such, David rises to the task and creates an issue full of twists, turns, action, and horror.
The issue kicks off as action and raises the stakes. David incredibly makes this team feel vulnerable and as though anyone can die at anytime.
One thing he does even better is how he transitions it from action and into a hororifying book as the team is unleashed and is forced to fight for their survival.
It’s the way he does these minor and subtle transitions that sits well with me when reading this epic issue. There is not any one genre built into this plot and that continues making this story work well.
Aiding in the transitioning is how Ferran letters the screams and yells behind the characters. You can distinctly feel when there is anguish or fear and anger. The details are within the fine print, and this issue nails those.
The Artwork:
There is so much going on inside of this issue, but at no point does it ever feel overwhelming. Jesus and Alex draw and color the panels. They break them up in a way that flows smoothly from one sequence to the next. When the issue turns from action and into horror, they match it, drawing these creatures in grotesque detail and shadowing the colors to fit how we have changed directions.
The color palette works well, and the grunge vibe is what makes this run and, even more so, this issue, unique. One final thought: when we flashback to Dr. West’s past the distinct red and sadness on the pages add more flavor that leaps up at us.
Overall Grade: 9.5/10
Creature Commandos #5 may be my favorite issue yet, as it sets up a three-way battle between Braniac, the Commandos, and the Military that is not going to end well for anybody. It keeps us engaged and is gripping throughout.
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