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The case of a pornstar’s dead puppy is solved in String #3 by writer Paul Tobin, artist Carlos Olivares, colorist Sara Colella and letterer Taylor Esposito from Mad Cave Studios.
Previouly in String
Earlier Yoon woke up with the horrible news of a black string sorrounding her. Just in case you’re not aware, that means she’s going to be killed. Or she’s the one doing the killing. Who? Is the missing part of the proverbial math problem. For this reason, she sought the assistance of Detective Mayfield. Recently, Yoon and Mayfield were partnered up to solve murder crimes. However, they must attend to Yoon’s black string mystery now. Before they work on any futher on other cases.
Masked Suspect
After a long day of doing police work, Yoon asked Dtective Mayfield to walk her home. Furhermore, when they arrived at Yoon’s place, she invited Mayfield inside for breakfast. While he waited for the food, he walked into the bathroom. Where an masked assailaint was hiding. After spending all day checking in with all of Yoon’s cases, they had not found any leads. Hence why they were still on edge about Yoon’s black string situation. Yet the first and only suspect to have any answers was right there in Yoon’s own home.
*Spoilers for Issue #3*
Not Judging
The assailant got the jump on Detective Mayfield. Because he doesnd’t know Yoon all that well, he tried to make sure this masked man hiding in the bathroom wasn’t some kinky foreplay for Yoon. Once Yoon cleared the air with Detective Mayfield by explaning this masked starnger was no guess of hers, a fight ensued. Not only the assailant had the elemnet of surprise he also was armed with a firearm.
Saved by a Cat
Of course Mayfield had his hands full with the masked assailant. Yoon tried to help as she approached them with the frying pan she was using to make breakfast. Despite her first instinct, she refused to be the woman who fights back with a pan so she opted to chuck her cat at the intruder.
A day in the Life
Unfortunately the masked intruder managed to get away. Immediately after that scare, Yoon and Mafield got to work. Returning to the cases Yoon was handling. First, they reached out to Litty. The lady whose pet had been murdered. Before they could jump on the case, they spent the day with Litty. Suprisingly, Litty had a busy life. For example, Litty volunteers to clean public parks and feeds the homeless.
Back to Square One
Finally, they followed a lead after Litty finished with her dutties for the day. They all went to pay a visit to Tommy, the manager of Litty’s adult film career. Obviously, they had questions for Tommy who felled into a trap set up up by Yoon. As a result, the case of Litty’s murdered pet. In spite of the good news, this did not Yoon any closer to solving the mystery of her black string. Finally, Detective Mayfield managed to have Yoon ID the mystery man with the six black strings sorrounding him. But, that had to wait because Yoon was called away to work on a previous engagement she had with a gang.
How About the Art?
Carlos J. Olivares, Sara Colella & Taylor Esposito continue to do an amazing job telling the story of String. I have zero complaints. Except for the fact that I wish Mad Cave Studios would give more issues to this creative team. Because the feel and look of this book is quite the treat.
Overall Grade: 7/10
Issue #3 was a solid read. Unfortunately, the story took a sidestep to highlight Litty’s character a bit too much. Paul Tobin has gone out of his way to show what an amazing person Litty is. Eventhough she’s a pornstar, she is much more than just some adult actress. I get the mesage, truly. People are not monoliths and I welcome multi-dimensional characters. However, the exposition for Litty came at the cost of the main plot’s resolution. Or at least the delay of. Despite the aformentioned, I did enjoyed seeing the murderer of an animal get caught.