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Kill All Immortals #5:
It’s a family affair as the gang is all back together where their powers began. Erik is ready to accept Frey back into the immortal family but, Frey has other plans. Thousands of years of fighting have all come down to truly kill all immortals.
Zack Kaplan (WRITER) Fico Ossio (ART) Thiago Rocha (COLORS) Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (LETTERS) Oliver Barrett (COVER)
The Story:
Zack has crafted an intense and bloody story, and by ending this initial arc, he has no signs of slowing down. Ending this amongst the family is the perfect way for this to end and just when I wasn’t sure where this could continue further he gives us a taste of what is to come.
Frey and her brothers have this bond that has always shown, and Zack has built that bond in a very clear and emotional way. There is a much larger immortal universe out there and for this to only be the tip of the iceberg has me giddy at where Zack will take this.
The Art and Letters:
Fico and Thiago saved their finest work for last as this issue is stunning in every panel. There is a heavy emotion that is drawn across Frey that shows she is tired and battle-weary and on the opposite side her father is drawn with his sense of arrogance. The coloring in the background as this scene between the two takes place is colorful bursting with purples and mixes of yellow and orange that attract the eye.
Issue #5 gifts us with one final battle that is gruesome and every bit as heavy and hard-hitting as anything they have given before. Frey and her brothers take on Erik, leaving everyone full of gashes, wounds, and more. The way it is drawn showcases this is such a battle of titans as each brother gets a hit in and takes hits. Erik is the OTC for a reason, leaving everyone in a puddle of blood. All culminates as the secret to their power is destroyed and bursts of purple light dramatically fill the page. Hassan matches epic energy, filling the action with proper effects, crossing pages and panels. The screams come to life, and emotion fills our eyes.
Final Thoughts:
Dark Horse has assembled their version of the 92 Dream team with Kill All Immortals. The story is a web of lies and mystery that ends on a massive cliffhanger setting the stage for the future. The art team is raining bombs from beyond the arc as every page, panel, and character has so much life to it. Hassan facilitates through the lettering bringing one of my favorite 5 issue runs to life. I cannot wait to see where this story goes as the potential is endless.
Overall Grade:10/10
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