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Creative Team – Eve L. Ewing(writer). Carmen Carnero(artist). Nolan Woodard(color artist). VC’s Travis Lanham(letterer). Carmen Carnero & Nolan Woodard(cover artists). Aka, Chris Campana, Roberto Poggi & Ceci De La Cruz, David Baldeón & Jesus Aburtov, Marguerite Sauvage(variant cover artists).
Published by Marvel Entertainment
Catch up with Exceptional X-Men #3 here!
***Possible Spoiler Warnings***
In Exceptional X-Men #4, we get the story from Bronze’s perspective. We get a look into her anxieties about her unstable mutant ability and how they impact her life, especially at school. Bronze wants to try out for the school musical, but that poses the risk of her exposing herself as a mutant in front of everyone, including her crush.
The return of Bobby
Meanwhile, a blast from the past is back to help train the young mutants, Bobby, AKA Ice Man. Everyone is excited to have him around, besides Kate. Kate isn’t pleased one bit and even tells him to leave, but not before asking why he’s even here. Of course, Bobby is acting suspicious and it’s noticeable, so it’s understandable Kate is curious what he’s up to.
The Writing
In the end, it makes sense and has a nice tie in to another X-Men comic run, so I really enjoyed that! The cliffhanger Exceptional X-Men #4 is left on makes me think we’re going to get even more into Kate’s trauma, which I’m really interested in seeing more of. Eve L. Ewing does a fantastic job at showing the tension between Bobby and Kate, you can see just how untrusting the latter is of his return.
Ewing continues to make this run of Exceptional X-Men more and more compelling, especially when she dives into how the unstable mutant abilities affect the lives of the young mutants. I’m curious to see where Bronze goes with her powers, especially with her having a better handle on them. Seeing Bronze in action, and seeing her have confidence in herself was expertly written to show she’s more than just a mutant in training.
The Art
The art of Exceptional X-Men #4 is, for lack of a better word, exceptional. One scene I think showcases the artist’s talents is when Bronze has to use her powers at school. The contrasting of bright colors gives so much depth to the scene, and really highlights Bronze’s powers. The art made the already exciting story pack and even bigger punch by bringing Kate’s grievances to life, especially when we get a very impactful flashback.
All in all, I had a fun time reading Exceptional X-Men #4, and I can’t wait to see what’s next for Kate and Bronze.
This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast. If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Exceptional X-Men #4, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!