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A Murder on the JLU Watchtower?! How? With all the heroes of the DCU with access, this is impossible. Renee Montoya is overseeing security. Her tenure starts with a dead body on her watch. The evidence points to her former love. Can it be Batwoman is a killer?
THE QUESTION: ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER #2 (DC COMICS) by Alex Segura, Cian Tormey, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Willie Schubert journeys further into the unknown with its latest chapter.
Let’s take a closer look at what is going on now.
Segura builds up a great deal of tension for Montoya to process. An easy lead-in with Animal Man quickly is dashed. The opening pages hit her with the shock factor of the crime. Playing off the awkwardness of Ted Kord adds a small break in the looming trouble. It shifts Montoya into a familiar role of detective. The crime seems open and shut but Montoya can’t close it just yet.
This leads into a dramatic showdown with Batwoman. Past feelings begin to resurface. It becomes the driver for this issue. Can Montoya separate personal opinion from fact? Readers see a small glimpse before the true threat appears. This leads into a wild action sequence. In its’ wake is a full circle return between the former lovers. Tension remain high even in somewhat victory. judging by the final page, maybe things are not so cut and dry after all.
Tormey and Fajardo Jr. welcome readers into this chapter with a full page image of how bad things are. This moves into Montoya’s investigation. The art captures the struggles seeing one of their own in a bad light. This leads to the confrontation brewing for this issue. Montoya and Batwoman’s talk pours with emotion. This gets interrupted with a certain Super villain crashing the scene.
With a full page shot, the big fight is underway. Readers watch as it turns into a failing attempt to buy time. The fight turns short lived but leaves a mark. There is no shortage of feelings are the line between hero and human is walked tightly. The final page presents a new wrinkle in plans. One door may have shut but another appears to have cracked open.
The case gets more complex as the Question searches for answers. Segura’s writing leans into the emotional strain of Montoya. Tormey and the art team casts the spotlight right on the former lovers as the truth becomes a larger conflict than the case.
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