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In an absolute world, nothing is the same. Enemies have become friends. Evil has evolved. A Dark Knight has become even more darker.

The new landscape of Gotham City has pushed Bruce Wayne to new extremes. Even with these changes, there still is a need for Justice and Vengeance.

ABSOLUTE BATMAN #3 by Scott Snyder, Nick Dragotta, Frank Martin, and Clayton Cowles dives further into the attempt to stop the Party Animals form running rough shot.

It continues to be the talk of the N.I. Bullpen! Teaming up for this review is Matt (Hops Geek News/N.I. Editor), Yours truly (Ken – ODPH podcast/N.I. editor In Chief) and THE G.E.O. HIMSELF, Michael Rothman! “and here we go!”



KEN: Snyder continues to push the creative envelope with this fantastic story. The dynamic change with Alfred goes up a few notches. It appears the grizzled agent is being schooled by the younger upstart. The encounter leans into the contrast in personalities. Its’ finish is vintage Batman. Few writers can walk this line quite like Snyder can.

Once in the flashback sequence, the friendship between Bruce and Selina takes center stage. It carries a familiar sense of caring as the pair tries sorting life out. Snyder delves into finding hope for Bruce through Selina’s eyes. The take on the rogues continues to be impressive. Seeing how they mesh in this new setup hits on many levels. The closing act provides a strong finish to an ever changing tale. As a reader, you can’t help but be impressed as to what is unfolding here.


MATT: Seeing Scott work so freely crafting a new iteration of Batman lore appears to come so effortlessly to him. There’s many tie-ins and name drops that you cannot help but pop every time the page is turned. Going inside of Alfred’s mind and in a matter of a page he goes from hating Batman to saying he may just love him is showing the dynamic characters that are being created.

Perhaps however, Bruce having a connection to every villain or Gotham major player is one of the coolest things to come from this story. Creating Batman from nothing and certainly not riches has somehow made this story work extremely well.

MICHAEL: My God, this story and action. It’s really getting difficult to find new ways to describe this insane franchise! Absolute Batman #3 kicks things off in a rush of sweat, smell of gasoline and intensity only this jacked up Caped Crusader could deliver.

Instead of the built-in relationship between Alfred and Bruce that we’ve come to know for decades, we are privileged to watch this bond form in the most unique way and under the most stressful of circumstances. It’s purely electric!

On the flip side, we get a new backstory that feels more familiar. The writing of the relationships like that of a young Bruce and Selina are what makes this new Batman epic so special. And there is NO ONE better equipped to ring us a fresh Batman story than Scott Snyder. Every line he pens adds gravitas to the moment and leaves us fans in complete and ABSOLUTE awe.


KEN: Dragotta and Martin present the volatile world of Gotham at full speed. The early escape from the GCPD carries a big feel to it. Pacing never falters as it pushes through to a stunning end. Cowles’ lettering drops a big exclamation point on this series of events. It provides a good balance from the flashback panels unfolding.

The innocence of Bruce and Selina comes into focus with Martin’s coloring scheme. Readers watch as the carefree attitude of Kyle takes over. Using “Zorro” as motivation, it is almost as Kyle is pushing Bruce to be Batman. Maybe this is something more hidden in the Absolute Universe? It’s quickly diverted when the rogues/friends show up. Seeing these characters in a jovial state is a fresh concept.

The art doesn’t escape the harsh reality of this new world. Back Mask’s “sparring session” hits all the key points of an MMA fight. Dragotta also slides in subtle panels to compliment the fighting. From the tap out to the dead stare, it leaves readers in horror of what happened. The only “win” per say is it makes the ending that more impactful. With a close-up image, a big shake-up went down that leaves uncertainty in its wake.


MATT: This issue is drawn and colored in such a gritty and detailed manner. The final pages of this book put an emphasis on the brutality of this story. As Black Mask is having a conversation, we’re treated with showing how much of a threat he is to Batman as he snaps an arm in half.

On the other side of the coin this issue shows tender moments such as in the flashbacks and with Bruce and his mom. Bruce and Selena are curious kids who are drawn with a softness to them as they leap from building to building. You get more of this softness with the look on Bruce’s face during his interactions with his mom. It all tied in together making this one of the top issues of this run so far.

MICHAEL: Stop me if I’ve said this already about the art in the series, but the gritty nature from all sides is something that matches this dark tone in the most wonderful way. We finally meet the man behind the Party Animals mask … OK maybe not, but we at least get a peak into who he is, and he is as ruthless and brutal as this version of Bruce. You’ll get what I mean once you read the issue.

But there is definitely a layer of sensitivity that Dragotta brings to moments with Bruce and his mother or Bruce and Selina.

I can’t imagine how hard it is to dance that line between absolute brutality and the softness we see on occasion. You are able to see the delineation between the man Bruce is and trying to be and the savage that Batman is, unrelenting, unbending, unbreaking!


KEN: 9.6. A deal is struck that forever changes the fate of Gotham. Snyder magnificently sets the stage with his writing. Dragotta, Martin and Cowles lower the BOOM with the action while ramping up the drama. This series is making an instant impact that simply cannot be ignored.

MATT: 10/10 Arms Snapped Absolute Batman #3 dives further into this newly created backstory of Batman and Gotham City. There is a brutality and hardness to everything and everyone in this issue that is bringing the reader on a path to something big. Black Mask is being created to be an absolute force and the soon to come to blows between him and Batman is exhilarating.

MICHAEL: 9.5/10 There really is not much else Scott and Nick could do to make this series any better. These two masters continue to deliver again and again and again.

It’s just an honor to have a front-row seat to comic book history and be along for this very special ride. Something that will be a seminal moment for this generation of comics fanatics. 

Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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