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GunSlinger Spawn #38 – Back in the Saddle Again


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Javier has been kidnapped by Monolith and pressed for information. At the same time, he is puzzled why Monolith still has powers. Can Javier figure it out or will he find himself in more hot water?

Credit: Image Comics

GunSlinger Spawn #38

Written By Todd MacFarlane – Art By Carlo Barberi

Colors By Ivan Nunes – Letters By Tom Orzechowski

Edited By Thomas Healy – Published By Image Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

On The Run

After Monolith gets Javier away from the police, he reveals what he wants from him, the location of Cogliostro. He wants to know where he is so he can find Omega Spawn to settle a score. Javier tells him he fears Cogliostro has used Omega Spawn to gain access to the throne of Hell. Javier also questions how Monolith still has his powers even though the Hellspawn have lost theirs. Since Monolith has gotten what he came for, he takes Javier back to figure out how to escape the police on his own. It looks like Javier may be captured, but then he gets a welcomed surprise.

Back Again

GunSlinger Spawn #38 does a good job of bridging the gap in the story thus far. MacFarlane gives us some big teases on what’s to come not just for GunSlinger Spawn, but the entire Spawn Universe. The final panels of this issue are what we have been looking forward to, but also bring a healthy amount of uncertainty as well.

The art in this issue is what we’ve come accustomed to in the Spawn Universe. Carlo Barberi brings the characters to life in a big way. Speaking of big, the centerfold spot of Monolith is impressive and amazing. The colors and letters compliment the art, the way they should.

Check Out My Review of GunSlinger Spawn #37

Final Thoughts

GunSlinger Spawn #38 is a solid continuation of this arc, and the Spawn Universe as a whole. Let’s of storyline moving, with a big revelation at the end to balance it out. If you have been enjoying the Spawn Universe, this will be a great read for you this week.

Final Grade: 8/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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