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Synap #1 Keeping it in the Giant Robot Family


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Readers are introduced to a world of extra-terrestrial monsters and a family company constructing a huge mech in Synap issue #1. The pressure is on to locate parts and prepare the pilots as the world inches closer to something devastating. If you thought holidays with the family were tough, just wait until you all have to work together to save the world!

Courtesy of Mad Cave Studios. Cover art by Ivan Tao.

A Strong Family of Characters Assemble in Synap

Chris Moses lays the groundwork for a huge story to come in this first issue of Synap. When we first enter the story a young man referred to as “The Driver” is undergoing a test run of some kind in a special suit with helmet.


The test goes off the rails The Driver, now known as Shiloh, has a glimpse of the past. He’s not the first to undergo these procedures. His family has long been testing for something not quite explained to the reader. As the story evolves, we find out that this is a family company. For decades they’ve been training and collecting tech for something big.

While reading this issue it was clear that there were some deeper emotional ties between these characters, even before it’s revealed that they are family. Each of them have unique personalities that end up clashing with each other. Chris Moses nails the dynamic between them. Even in the flashbacks we get a hint of character development from the past. Characters are the center piece to this story and the way Moses drives them as vehicles is so well done.

Mad Cave Studios Brings Your Favorite Cartoons to Comics!

Courtesy of Mad Cave Studios. Cover art by Stephen Byrne.

Synap’s Big, Emotional Artwork

The artwork by Andrea Giannini is very clean and engaging. Facial expression rule certain panels in way that don’t even require text. Beyond that, we have some fantastic designs in the technical and environmental backgrounds. There is so much scientific equipment and large pieces like an aircraft carrier that require just the right amount of detail and line work to feel tangible and Giannini executes that perfectly.

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Colors make this book so much more engaging. Bright, rich, primary colors bring depth to the panels and a treat for the eyes. Deep blues, purples, oranges, yellows, reds, and greens lift the artwork off the page and draw the readers eyes into this fantastic world! The lettering by Hinkley-Barnes keep things simple and straight forward that compliments the scientific vibe of the book and allows the characters faces to tell a story instead of words.

Everything Points to 8.5/10

This was a great set up issue that will definitely propel us into an action packed adventure. I really like where Moses is going with the family aspect of it all. The characters he has established and hinted at will have a big impact on what happens. The artwork is well executed from the largest of set pieces down to the smallest of details. The colors take it all to the next level! This one could evolve into something special!

Mickey Smith
Mickey Smith
Mickey, also known as “cellphone_wallet_keys" or C.W. Keys began his humble path to nerdom in front of a television set back in 1985. Since then, it’s been a true love of all things related to heroes and fantastic stories, whether it be movies, comic books, action figures, and video games. Mickey is the Movie Voice Guy for The Reel Study and a contributing content creator here at The Nerd Initiative.

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