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Groupies #2 – Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll, and Satanic Ritual


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The world of Rockstars & Groupies has been well documented. However, when you add in ritualistic sacrifice and satanic rituals, you have the perfect storm for story.

Credit: Comixology Originals

Groupies #2

Written By Helen Mullane – Art By Tula Lotay

Colors By Dee Cunniffe & Tula Lotay

Letters & Design By Richard Starkings & Tyler Smith

Edited By Will Dennis – Published By Comixology Originals

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

Chapter 2: Vera

Groupies #2 picks off where issue 1 left off. This issue we follow the thoughts and view the stories through the eyes of Vera. Vera is still very jealous of Lisa who is the lead singer of Moon Show Si. As she navigates life on the road and her jealousy, she also is very concerned about the whereabouts of Amina.

Things get strange as Vera walks in on a satanic ritual being performed on Lisa by members of the band. Bash, who is Lisa’s boyfriend, talks her down from panicking about it. But just as she gets over that she learns the fate of Amina, while we the reader get introduced to some new dark entities.

Let Me Inside the Skin

Groupies #2 does a great job of building off issue 1. The story itself is good and feels fresh and new. Helen Mullane does an awesome job building up suspense and slowly building the world which makes the story mysterious. The only downside is at times the story makes you feel lost, but that is also promising because it is definitely building to something.

The art in this book is very contemporary and gives me water painting vibes. With what the story is about this makes the art pop out of each panel. Speaking of panels, abandoning the usual panel format and letting the art flow all over the page is awesome. Tula Lotay takes some risks with the art, and it pays off in the finished product. The dark colors and earth tones set the mood and pull you in.

Check Out My Review of Ghostbox #1

Final Thoughts

Groupies #2 is a great build on from the first issue. This series is unique and fresh, which is a gift and a curse. This book may not be for everyone due to its content and what it deals with. However, if you want to check something out that is different and unique this should be a must for you.

Final Grade: 8/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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