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ABSOLUTE SUPERMAN #1 by Jason AaronRafa SandovalUlises Arreola and Becca Carey (DC COMICS)

In a new universe, is there still hope? That is the question posed in the Absolute Universe. Darkseid’s new landscape comes with question and wonder. Emerging from the darkness has been Absolute Batman and Absolute Wonder Woman. Joining their ranks is the third member of the DC trinity. Kal-El from Krypton is about to become Absolute!

ABSOLUTE SUPERMAN #1 by Jason Aaron, Rafa Sandoval, Ulises Arreola and Becca Carey (DC COMICS) showcases the Man of Steel in an all new light.

Teaming up for this new odyssey is Matt (hops Geek News) and Yours Truly (Ken – ODPH podcast/NI Editor in Chief). Let’s see how the new vision of hope debuts!



KEN: Aaron digs into Superman being the symbol more than the man for this opening chapter. The backstory of Krypton paints a very distinct notion. Being considered lower class forges the house of El. The writing has set them up as the common citizen rather than the elite of the planet’s society. It reflects how Superman is seen in many eyes. They both represent Truth, Justice and a better tomorrow.

Once events shift back to Earth, the story begins to move swiftly. Aaron sets up Kal-El as a hero questioning his actions. The uncertainty of his motives adds to an already complex character. Once danger strikes the small Brazilian town he is in, the true hero readers know comes out. The writing debuts Superman in a grand way. The only downside is it is short lived, but with good reason. Other characters crash the party flipping everything on its’ axis. It leads to a teasing close as a new era has launched without question.


MATT: I was not sure what to expect going into this story, but I was absolutely blown away from the start. Aaron digs into some history of Krypton in a way we have not seen before, which makes his take on the doomed planet feel refreshing yet heartbreaking. This story is about classes being divided whether it is on Earth or Krypton.

When the story shifts to Earth we see a reserved and hidden amongst the shadows Kal-El. But, such is the way of Superman; when the chips are down, he is there to protect the people of Earth until his final breath.


KEN: Sandoval and Arreola depicts Krypton as a soul crushing environment pending the status. The Els are shown to be making their best efforts to survive the looming odds. A two page spread clearly states the divide in classes. It also droves home the meaning of the “S” symbol. Another two page splash shows an all too familiar fate for Krypton as the unraveling of secrets begins.

Once on Earth, Kal-El’s journey is hidden behind panels showcasing the struggles at hand. The wait isn’t too long as a full page panel welcomes in the Man of Tomorrow into the good fight. Action images capture the classic feel of Superman stories. This leads into a unique full page with Carey’s lettering setting up a catching panel. The aftermath is filled with shocking surprises while ushering readers to the close. Once the final page hits, the art displays a haunting look as time is fleeting for happiness. It’s an excellent showcase for a debut tale.


MATT: From the start, I enjoyed the subtle hints such as the “how’s my driving” printed across the side of the tanks being dropped into battle against Superman. As for the art, the reader is greeted with bright displays of colors. The suits are all unique and futuristic, reminding us that this is not an ordinary Earth but one set in a very different take than our own. Superman’s suit is glowing orange as he powers up, which works well for me because it is Superman but not the same old Kal we have seen.


KEN: 9.5. The latest entree into the Absolute Universe makes its’ own path while maintaining the Superman mystique. Aaron presents an emerging hero’s journey with strong writing. Sandoval, Arreola and Carey craft the visuals of two worlds composing what will ultimately become the greatest symbol of hope in a dark universe.

MATT: 9.5. I am admittedly not a big fan of Superman, so I was very excited to check out the latest in the Absolute Universe movement. It captures the heart and essence of Superman while bringing in a fresh new take on the Boy Scout. This is not the Superman we know, and yet the air of familiarity is there amongst the action-packed panels. Safe to say, I will be following this run very closely.

Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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