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What’s up toy nerds! It’s time for another action figure review with your friends here at Play4Keeps! This weeks pick up is a beauty, it’s the Marvel Legends Quicksilver Walmart exclusive retro card. I’m going to give it the run down and be sure to check out the video review for more!
Marvel Legends Quicksilver Walmart Exclusive Breakdown
This one comes in the beautiful and recognizable Marvel Comics retro card art. It always delivers the nostalgia and looks so good that it can be difficult to tear it open, but we gotta get our hands on this Quicksilver action figure!

Even in the plastic you can immediately tell that the look of this action figure is great. The paint job and comic accuracy is a thing of beauty. He looks even better when you get him out! When I get him out it looks even better. The green is vibrant and the lightening design is well placed and moves well with articulation points on the body. There is a very slight difference in the color of the torso and the arms, but it’s not enough to be distracting.
Marvel Legends Quicksilver Walmart Exclusive Pros and Cons
Speaking of articulation, this figure has a lot of movement ability. Double joints, a flexible torso, and a ton of movable spots on the legs. The one strike against articulation on this one is the feet. Pietro would have greatly benefited from some toe flex!

There’s not much here accessories wise, just an extra change of hands. I would have loved to have had an additional head and another pair of flat hands would have been awesome!
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One thing that really stands out on this action figure is the neck. The seam where the front and back halves of the chest/bust come together is really noticeable. It’s kinda hard for the eyes to not go right to it.
Everything Points to 9/10
Even with these little things that could have helped this figure, it still came out amazing. I haven’t had this much fun posing an action figure in quite a while. There’s lots of dynamic movement! The face and hair are super accurate and the colors really pop on a really nice sculpt.