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Frankenstein #3:

Dr. Frankenstein has grown cold and obsessed with his experiment. His beloved Elizabeth sits at their future estate, knowing deep down there is good in him, and is just as obsessed with bringing him back. Meanwhile, there is something within the Monster the Doctor has brought to life, and it will stop at nothing to break free of the shackles he has been put in.

Frankenstein #3 by Michael Walsh, Toni Marie Griffin, and Becca Carey. (Credit Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment. Cover by Michael Walsh.)

Creative Team:

Writer: Michael Walsh

Art: Michael Walsh

Colors: Toni Mari Griffin

Letters: Becca Carey

Cover: Michael Walsh

The Art:

The artwork in this issue tells the story in a beautiful and yet haunting way. Starting with the cover, Michael sets the tone immediately showcasing in bright pink and the white wedding dress that this is a tale about the heart and love. As we move into the story the pain is drawn so deeply within our characters faces in an impressive manner. Toni compliments by shading and coloring to bring out the shadows and that heartfelt pain they are all experiencing within.

When it comes time to showcase the monster, both build him meticulously, showcasing his size and strength, yet, much like our other characters, his yellow eyes tell more about him than his actions. The scenery built around this tale hammers home the horror aspect, and Becca utilizes the lettering to fine-tune the amount of emotion in this issue.

The Story:

Frankenstein, at its core, is a tale of love and pain. What Michael does is honor that and shifts the tone in this issue to show how every character has lost something or someone they love in some shape or form. It allows us to sympathize with each person, even the mad doctor himself, and pulls us into this tale, invoking much emotion.


Frankenstein #3 sets us up for the big finale in this iteration of the classic horror tale. This issue is all about the heart and allows the reader to connect with the characters we haven’t spent a lot of time with setting us up for an epic finale.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my review. I am Matt from the podcast HopsGeekNews, where each week myself, and Lauren dive into comics, movies, and TV shows. To find more reviews or our weekly episodes head to

Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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