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The Pedestrian #2 – Saving the World While Following the Rules


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What’s Up Comic Fans!? Rich from the NI Bullpen here with a new comic book review. There are times when awesome concepts fall in your lap as a reviewer, and this is one of those times. In a genre full of heroic superheroes who don’t mind breaking rules and collateral damage, there is only one brave enough to follow the rules and do the right thing…The Pedestrian.

The Pedestrian #2 is written by Joey Esposito, art by Sean Von Gorman with additional art by David Bowie Rendon-Gorman & Micah Williams, colors by Josh Jensen, and letters by Shawn Lee. This book is edited by Bobby Curnow and published by Magma Comix.

Let’s power walk our way to review this book.

Credit: Magma Comix

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

Justice Always Has the Right of Way

The Pedestrian #2 opens with Kira taking a babysitting job. She happens to be babysitting Syd & Jeremy who were also saved by The Pedestrian. They bond over this and Lazer Titans. Meanwhile, we get to know the crossing guard from issue #1, Soph who seems to live a mundane life. But she has a secret.

The hooded man with a red hand mask recruits a troubled youth in the meantime. Detective Sherwood is on to Soph and her friend. But before she can investigate further, she gets called to a heinous crime. However, The Pedestrian has a very eye-opening experience as well.

You Should Eat

The Pedestrian #2 is a fun read with a unique concept. This second issue is heavy on story and world building. Joey Esposito does a great job of building the world of Summer City and giving you a real look into the characters’ lives and quirks. The character development is superb in this book.

Then there is the art, which is cool and fits this comic perfectly. The whole art team collaborated on this one and made Summer City come to life. The color pallet is darker blues, so when the “bad guy” shows up in red, it pops off the page.

Check Out My Cruel Universe #2 Review

Final Thoughts

The Pedestrian #2 is a great world builder and draws the reader into the lives of the characters in the book. A lot of times “slower” issues of books that build worlds aren’t as memorable or “sexy”. However, this issue makes you care, and you want to see where the story and more importantly these characters will go from here.

Final Grade: 8/10

For more of my content, make sure to check out 3fnpodcast.com and Subscribe to Nerd Initiative YouTube for episodes of Turn a Page and Wrestling Night Live! Later! Comic! Fans!

Richard Coryell
Richard Coryellhttp://3fnpodcast.com
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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