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Babs #1 – A Material Girl in a Barbarian World


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What’s Up Comic Fans!? It tis I Sir Rich from the NI Bullpen. My mind hath not been lost, yet ye hath read ye olde Medieval comic! In all seriousness, I am reviewing a comedic/medieval/adventure comic, and it’s written by Garth Ennis to boot.

Babs #1 is written by Garth Ennis, with art by Jacen Burrows, colors by Andy Troy, and letters by Rob Steen. This book is published by Ahoy Comics.

Let us go on a journey and get medieval on your backsides!

Credit: Ahoy Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

“And So Came Babs…”

Babs #1 introduces us to the title character in a most humorous way. She is on a journey to meet a friend at a local watering hole. As they consume some ales, they are interrupted by a motley group, made up of Orcs, Goblins, and a Troll. After having a problem with her being a female barbarian, she shows them why she is feared.

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Babs and her female companion celebrate their victory over the group of Orcs, Goblins, and a Troll by getting a little tipsy. The next morning, Babs is out hunting tree creatures to make padding for her armor when she accidentally shoots a bear with an arrow. Fortunately, Babs has a magical talking sword that helps her get out of this sticky situation.

Issue one concludes with the incel rag tag group complaining about Babs and women in general. Then they see their male chauvinist hero, who is a knight in not-so-shiny armor.

The Deep Realm

The first thing that needs to be acknowledged is this book is an adult, mature readers only book. Lots of vulgar language and innuendos. If you are like me and like dirty humor, you’ve found your book. If sexually charged language and bad words aren’t your thing, this book might not be for you.

The fact that the man character is a woman barbarian and the only other barbarian we meet is also a woman, and they are the most vulgar ones is a great role reversal. This book does a great job of turning gender roles on their head.

Speaking of messages, it isn’t lost on me that the “bad guys” we meet are portrayed as incels. The fact that Garth Ennis was able to sneak a jab at the “why are woman taking men’s roles in media” group that lives online is epic.

The art in the book looks awesome. It gives you the feel of a D&D campaign book. Jacen Burrows does an amazing job of immersing you in this world.

Final Thoughts

Babs is like if The Legend of Vox Machina had a love child with Big Mouth. This book will make you laugh. But also makes you care about Babs and leaves enough mystery to hook you. This is going to be a slam dunk addition to my pull list.

Final Grade: 9/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryellhttp://3fnpodcast.com
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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