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Artist: Baldemar Rivas
Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Johanna Nattalie
We’ve got Kaiju! We got Psycho Rangers! We got Multidimensoail hopping! We got 2 Tommys! We got Psycho Kaiju! Now we throw in Kaiju Rangers! It’s so much. Who wins in the fight?!?! WE DO THE FANS!!!
Writer: Cullen Bunn
Artist: Baldemar Rivas
Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Johanna Nattalie
The Story
Having only five issues this run, we are getting a pretty basic flow, so this issue is easily set up for the final battle. The Rangers are now getting used to their new powers, totally kicking butt. But Other Dimension White Ranger Tommy and Jet Jaguar infiltrate Astronema’s Dark Fortress. They are looking for all the displaced Multiversal Rangers. They find the power coins, but there are no rangers. Goldar comes to stop them, and let’s say Green Godzilla Ranger… shows up and makes a big distraction. Meanwhile, outside the Command Center, the Psycho Kaijus go giant, and the Rangers call the Kaiju Zords, and eventually, we get the KAIJU MEGAZORD.
Artist: Baldemar Rivas
Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Johanna Nattalie
The Art
The art team is having fun with this series. The action sequences are loud and heavy! Meanwhile, the banter between Rita and Astronema shows their mutual frustration has such a fun cartoony vibe you forget that they are two of the most villainous villainesses in all of Ranger History. Goldar looks amazing but the Godzilla Green Ranger… WOW just wow
Godzilla vs MMPR PT 2 Issue 4 gets an 8.5 out of 10.
Like I said, this is all set up for the big finale. The whole plot and everything goes according to plan, as seen in any particular episode of Power Rangers. Seeing how this is going to sum up the finale leaves me with a lot of concerns. The fact that this is going through so many different dimensions and how they’re going to interact with each other at the end and either go into a third part or sum all up and tied up with a bow
Are you excited for the finale? What has been your favorite moment so far? Sound off in the comments below! Then come on back to see my OFF THE CUFF REVIEWS here on Nerd Initiative. Where do you think the story could go? Leave your comments below. Please consider following me personally at OFF THE CUFF TOM. Don’t forget to support your LCS.