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Infinity Watch: Immortal Thor Annual #1 – Enter the Power Stone


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The last few weeks have been interesting if you’re following Marvel’s Infinity Watch.

Thanos is on a mission to regain the Infinity Stones, including the newly forged Death Stone.

But the stones have bonded with hosts and these so-called heroes have a lot to learn. Hopefully they get an education before they face the Mad Titan again. Because we all know he does NOT mess around.

Credit: Marvel

The Power Stone

We begin Immortal Thor Annual #1 with the champion of champions, Tryco Slatterus. But he is getting sick of easy victories and wants to reclaim the Power Stone he lost years back to the Mad Titan.

But he’s not the only one.

Thor is also looking for the Stone with his mother and the Enchantress wreaking havok.

Meanwhile, we meet one of the goofiest heroes around – a cosmic Deadpool of sorts – Prince Otherone, who has bonded with the Power Stone. Think Disney prince mixed with Booster Gold.

We also get a nice nod to the Dark Knight Returns on page 10. Confused yet?? Same, but let’s keep moving things along.

Otherone now goes by the name Powerstone – clever huh?

But Powerstone has a lot of people looking for him and sh&$ is about to hit the fan.

The Power Touch

This is a new one. Anything Powerstone touches gets imbued with infinite power.

First, this goof touched Mjolnir, which caused the hammer to break Thor’s wrist.

Next, Tryco has taken control over Powerstone’s unconscious body. Ooof, this is gonna be a problem.

But Thor is able to wake up and reason with Powerstone, who not only has the ability to give power but to also take it away … from Tryco.

The All-Father giveth and the All-Father taketh away!

And with that, the powerful duo of Thor and Powerstone head on a journey to New York City.

Stay away from street meat guys!

Final Thoughts – 8/10

This issue was a little goofy, but it’s nice to see Thor in the mix here.

The epilogue gave us more info about Coulson, the Death Stone and where that side storyline is going.

The art really matched Al Ewing’s sharp and humorous writing.

All-in-all, a nice addition to the run, thought we didn’t see any Thanos this week and that’s always a miss!

Michael Rothman
Michael Rothman
Better known as “SuperheroTok” on TikTok, Michael is an Emmy Award winning entertainment reporter spending over a decade at ABC & Good Morning America, hosting shows like Inside Marvel! Michael brings his unique vision and passion to TikTok, where he also hosts “Shortboxed Presents,” a series focused on everything fans need to know about buying and selling comics in the grading age. He’s also a proud husband, and father to a little golden retriever.

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