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The 4th of July Top 10 Movie Menu from Nerd Initiative


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Summer is at its height, and America is celebrating its independence. Hot Dogs, baseball, swimming pools, fireworks…it’s all part of the party! But there’s one more thing that can light up your holiday like no other: MOVIES. Nerd Initiative decided to flip through our own personal film library in search of those movies that scratch that “Land of The Free” itch! Without further ado, here are Nerd Initiative’s 4th of July Top 10 Movie Menu!

10. Armageddon (1998)

Courtesy of Speeches HD. “Armageddon” from Touchstone Pictures/Walt Disney Pictures.

A group of oil rig roughnecks put it all on the line to save the planet from a extinction level asteroid hurling towards Earth. That doesn’t sound patriotic to you!? Look, NASA is one of Americas proudest achievements in my opinion and nothing screams the American spirit quite like a group of men from all walks of life coming together to save the world. Bikers, farmers, engineers, physicists, mechanics, astronauts…the list goes on, but all of our country’s best come together to do the impossible! American flags are flying and Americana is sprinkled throughout!

Did You Know that Nasa Uses Armageddon as a Training Tool?!

9. Forrest Gump (1994)

Courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes Movieclips. “Forrest Gump” from Paramount Pictures.

Speaking of Americana, Forrest Gump is one big helping of it. It’s a coming of age story centered around a disabled American that reminds us that anything is possible. Forrest makes his way through some of the most prominent moments in American history: Elvis, College football, war, civil rights, and the olympics are just the big ones. Nothing represents the “Never Give Up” attitude more that Forrest Gump. His innocence and open heart is a reminder to all of us how great this country can be if we were to just let go of our hate.

Forrest Gump in Bollywood?

8. An American Tail (1986)

Courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes Movieclips. “An American Tail” from Universal Pictures.

The American Dream. No movie highlights what that is more than An American Tail. Immigrants braving the harshest of conditions and the most dangerous of journeys to come to America in search of a better life, free of persecution. It’s a tale about strong family bonds, self discovery, and what the real American journey is all about. Don Bluth is an instant classic no matter what the film may be. Families everywhere, of all races and religions can find a relatable, heart warming moment in this film.

7. Jaws (1975)

Courtesy of Universal Pictures. “Jaws” from Universal Pictures.

Ok I’m hearing those in the back yelling that this movie has nothing to do with America or the 4th of July other than when the movie takes place. R-E-L-A-X dudes. Jaws is a quintessential summer movie and not only that, it was the first “blockbuster” movie that started the summer spectacle of films to come. There’s just something about the beach setting that evokes summer vacation vibes, while completely traumatizing you when it comes to the ocean. It’s tons of fun and enjoyable for a group of friends coming together for a 4th of July party!

6. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

Courtesy of TopMovieClips. “Captain America: The First Avenger” from Paramount Pictures and Marvel Studios.

You can’t say a bad thing about this one other than MAYBE it’s too low on the list. Captain America is what we all strive to be: brave, virtuous, earnest, and dependable. I feel a sense of pride watching Steve Rodgers stand his ground when his small and weak, only to hold on to this same humble values when he’s bestowed with great power. Captain America fights for everyone, and never leaves a man behind! “Stalwart, steady, and true, forceful and ready to defend the Red, White, and Blue!”

See Old Man Cap in Avenger’s Twilight!

5. Glory (1989)

Courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes Movieclips. “Glory” from TriStar Pictures/Sony.

This one is a personal favorite of mine. Glory tells the story of America’s first all African-American regiment, the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, in The American Civil War. It’s a powerful story about black men, most of which had escaped from the chains of the South, volunteering to fight for the Union, all aware that if they were caught it would mean certain death, or a return to slavery. They deal with racism, inner turmoil, and a lack of faith from their commanding officers. It’s beautiful to see the bonds of brotherhood form and the stigma of skin color erode away as they all realize the battleground is dismal place for everyone.

4. National Treasure (2004)

Courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers. “National Treasure” from Walt Disney Pictures.

This is just a blast to watch. Nicolas Cage, a descendent of one of the founding fathers, is in a race to steal the Declaration of Independence in hopes that it leads to a mysterious Masonic treasure. There’s some much American history to explore in this one and it does so in fantastic ways. A treasure hunt that tells the story of the formation of America along the way?! What a perfect way to make history exciting!

Fans of Nation Treasure Will Love This Comic!

3. The Patriot (2000)

Courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes Movieclips. “The Patriot” from Columbia Pictures/Sony.

Things are starting to get serious now! Mel Gibson brings the FIRE in this movie based on the battles of the American Revolution. A story centered around family, country, and how those tie together creates so many moments of heartbreak and pride. To see a man looking for peace, abandoning his brutal military past in exchange for a family, be pushed back into action as the British occupation threatens his new life is a powerful journey. Benjamin Martin realizes that he’ll have to fight to keep what he’s earned against an imperialistic force determined to seize control through violent means. When Martin waves that flag in the final battle, signaling the colonial forces to advance and giving them hope…goosebumps every time.

2. The Sandlot (1993)

Courtesy of FilmClips. “The Sandlot” from Twentieth Century Studios.

This was so close to number one that it could be a 1a and 1b type of situation. The Sandlot highlights childhood memories through the great American past time, baseball. It’s a snap shot in American history where the World Wars were finally behind us, and people could enjoy a time of peace and prosperity. I swell with emotions when “America, The Beautiful” plays over a neighborhood 4th of July cookout, complete with fireworks and a nighttime baseball game. There’s no arguments. No hatred. Just kids playing a game, living in the moment. I hope one day, we can get back to that.

1. Independence Day (1996)

Courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes Movieclips. “Independence Day” from Twentieth Century Studios.

Fellow Americans, if you started this list unaware that this movie would be somewhere near the top…I’m very happy to surprise you. The movies title isn’t all that qualifies this movie. It’s the world vs Aliens, and America’s best are leading the charge. How shocking was it to see laser beams blow up The White House? How satisfying was it to see a former American fighter pilot, now a crop duster, sacrifice himself to fly a jet right up the alien ships wahoo and blow it to smithereens? To cement it’s legacy as the greatest 4th of July movie of all time, the great Bill Pullman delivers one of the most iconic and rousing speeches ever put on screen. USA! USA! USA!

That’s a Wrap on The 4th of July Top 10!

I hope you enjoyed the picks and we hope your Independence Day is a great one! However you choose to celebrate, there’s always a movie that can help inspire those feelings of pride and restore a little faith in humanity. As always, let us know how we did! Did we miss the mark somewhere? Was the list spot on!? We want hear about your favorite movies as well!

***Honorable Mentions from the Nerd Initiative Crew!***

American Graffiti (1973), Top Gun (1986), A League of Their Own (1992), Pleasantville (1998), Red Dawn 1984), Iron Eagle (1986), Air Force One (1997)

Mickey Smith
Mickey Smith
Mickey, also known as “cellphone_wallet_keys" or C.W. Keys began his humble path to nerdom in front of a television set back in 1985. Since then, it’s been a true love of all things related to heroes and fantastic stories, whether it be movies, comic books, action figures, and video games. Mickey is the Movie Voice Guy for The Reel Study and a contributing content creator here at The Nerd Initiative.

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