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The Principles of Necromancy #3 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Eamon Winkle, and Shawn Lee. (Credit Magma Comix. Cover by Eamon Winkle.)

Creative Team:

Writers: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly

Art: Eamon Winkle

Letters: Shawn Lee

Cover: Eamon Winkle

Principles of Necromancy #3:

Set in a fantasy universe bereft of magic. The Principles of Necromancy follows Doctor Jakob Eyes— one of a small number of scientific physicians who have set their minds to the task of curing the ills of the world. But the young Doctor Eyes isn’t satisfied simply to cure the sick or be known as a wizard to curious peasants. No, he has set his sights on defeating the only malady doctors are expressly forbidden from curing: death itself.

The Art:

As each issue progresses Eamon continues to step up the sheer amount of gruesome body horror that fills the pages. Every issue has featured a different form of artwork whether through coloring or the grotesque sequences that fill the panels and that continues to shock the audience and keep this story going like a train without breaks. He raises the bar in issue #3 by showing an array of horrifying doctors and bloody soaked sequences despite being centered around one singular conference room. The level of detail and audible gasping that can’t help but escape my mouth as I focused on each character introduced is a testament to horror done right in comics. Eamon is cementing himself a legacy and rising Magma to the top of publishers you must be watching out for.

The Writing:

Each issue has had a different vibe and feeling to it as we continue to depart from the normal Hivemind humor folks may expect from this all-star team. A stand out for me is the level of arrogance this conference of doctors have before unveiling that they themselves are practicing horrific forms of medicine. It’s the soft and hypocritical touch they put on this story that bringing back the dead is where they draw the line despite committing atrocious acts on their patients in various forms. Fans of stories such as Frankenstein will find joy in this issue as the duo transform Jakob into a mad scientist with his death defying creations. Shawn is able to wonderfully craft the letters and twist them around the blood soaked scenes in a way that assists the level of arrogance and horror we the reader are met with.


Magma Comix has a certified hit on their hands. It has been a while since a horror based entity has drawn me in and taken my breath away. Lanzing, Kelly, Winkle, and Lee are building a foundation and setting the standard for this genre of comic books going forward. The Principles of Necromancy #3 is gruesome, shocking, and showcases the hypocrisy of those deemed “smarter” or wrought with power leaving the reader with no idea what they might find as they turn the page.

10/10 Cigars

This has been a review by Matt from Hops Geek News. For more articles and links to their podcast check out their Link Tree.

If you’re a sports fan, check out a recent article from Matt praising his Boston Celtics with a Marvel twist to it.

Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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