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RESURRECTION OF MAGNETO #1 by Al Ewing, Luciano Vecchio, David Curiel, and Ariana Maher (Credit: Marvel Entertainment – cover: Stefano Caselli)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, desperate times call for desperate measures. This reflects the state of affairs involving Marvel’s X-Men. As Orchis makes their big move, Xavier and the remaining members of Mutant-kind are pushed to their breaking point.

The events cause a dangerous choice to be made to ensure victory. The choice is complex. Should the most dangerous X-Men villain be brought back from the dead to left save the living? Readers are about to find out.

RESURRECTION OF MAGNETO #1 by Al Ewing, Luciano Vecchio, David Curiel, and Ariana Maher shows the uneasy mission and consequences of attempting to bring back the Master of Magnetism. Let’s take a closer look and see how the journey begins.


The chapter begins with Magneto standing away from the reader. His words haunt as Magento speaks “Ororo, I was wrong”. The events sift back to Storm as she wakes up from the nightmare. Her lover, Craig, tries to console her. Living on Arakko, Storm is off world but knows of the dire events of the attack of the Hellfire Gala.

RESURRECTION OF MAGNETO #1 by Al Ewing, Luciano Vecchio, David Curiel, and Ariana Maher (Credit: Marvel Entertainment – cover: David Baldeón)

Storm knows that Mutant-Kind needs more help. They need Magneto. Unfortunately, he isn’t alive. Magneto sacrificed himself in besting Uranos. Denying the resurrection process of Krakoa, pulling this task off will not be easy. It will be lose to impossible.

Storm crashes the Kadesh base and confronts Dr. Adam Brashear aka Blue Marvel and Taaia. Storm explains her plan. Surprisingly, there is no push-back.

Marvel seems intrigued at defying the odds. He leads Storm into a portal room. While powering it up, Marvel is explaining how this is all going to play out into an area created by the Scarlet Witch.


Knowing the costs, Storm jumps through the portal without waiting for approval. Readers find out the afterlife is a very unstable environment. An old friend appears to greet Ororo on the other side.

The reception kickstarts a series of events that wind further into answering the lingering question of is this all worth it? The final image grants an insight to that answer leading readers into what lies ahead.

Ewing presents the weight of Ororo’s mission with great desperation and heroics. The first portion of the book moves very quickly to get right tote heart of the matter. Once Ororo makes the jump, the story speeds right into the frantic instability of the afterlife.

RESURRECTION OF MAGNETO #1 by Al Ewing, Luciano Vecchio, David Curiel, and Ariana Maher (Credit: Marvel Entertainment – cover: John Tyler Christopher)

The initial conflict grants readers a break in the drama. It’s fallout reaffirms Storm’s determination and grit about achieving the impossible. The journey dive into a few uncharted spots. Once readers arrive in the final pages, it leads to a small Deja vu moment.

It ties back into the overall consensus theme of this unstable world Storm now stands in. The closing moment delivers on giving more clues to the mission before bowing out. Rest assured, there’s more complexity to this story which can only lead t a bigger payoff.


Vecchio and Curiel drop a few stellar images of the afterlife on readers with this opening chapter. The full page shot of Magneto starting into the distance hits the mark on the reflection of his choices.

The moments with Blue Marvel and Storm balance each other out with their different mannerisms. Storm is driven to get going, while Marvel is constantly assessing the situation.

The afterlife opens with a strong two-page image. This is followed by fight sequences that are bolt and impactful. The fractured full page image of Storm flying in this moment elevates the overall feel of the battle.

The closing pages are ack to back full page image that bring the mission at hand right to the forefront. Very solid initial outing that will only become more wild with the evolving world Storm fights through now.


The impossible is challenged with the future of Mutant-kind waiting in the wings in an ambitious first chapter. Ewing doesn’t delay in keeping a rapid pace to move Storm’s mission forward. Vecchio and Curiel providing lasting impressions with the images to give readers quite the tale to follow in the Krakoan Era’s downfall.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on the Resurrection of Magneto #1. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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