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TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica,Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira,Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the DC Universe is reeling from an attack no one was coming. When an alien threat is unleashed from its prison, the premier superhero squad in the “Dawn Of DC” era stepped up to the challenge. They are The Titans. One titan in particular pushed himself to unknown limits.

No good deed goes unpunished as a surprise attack thrusts Gar Logan aka Beast Boy into a spotlight unwelcomed. His powers manipulated. They have now caused a global attack onto the people of Earth. With last issue’s shocking move, the battle has taken a deadly toll on the hero community. How will the rest of DC’s finest recover?

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica, Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott explores the ramifications of a fallen hero. Let’s take a deeper dive into the latest chapter.


Amanda Waller always has a plan. With the rise of the Titans in the Justice League’s place, Waller sets forth a movement which spells nothing good for the DCU heroes.

Using Doctor Hate to manipulate Beast Boy’s form as Starro, Waller has unleashed a public attack on Earth. People are turning into animal hybrids. Even with the efforts of the heroes to try stopping the mayhem, they are only having small success. As the public watches, Waller works in the shadows to push her own agenda.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica,Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira,Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Bjorn Barends)

Using a hesitant Chester Runk (aka Chunk), who can unleash a “black hole” opening to another dimension, Waller teleports him inside Logan’s unconscious gigantic husk. The use of his powers kills him and Logan.

As this chapter opens, the heroes trying to stop Logan pay their respects to their fallen ally. One hero isn’t in the mood to grieve. Raven, fellow Titan and Gar’s girlfriend notes that someone else was pulling some strings and she intends to give them some payback.

On Earth, a press conference is taking place in Washington. The president is acknowledging the actions of the Bureau of Sovereignty for taking out Logan. He also brings the mastermind behind the attack into the public eye. Waller addresses the public and sells the story of protection from the superheroes.


Readers see her paint the picture of Runk as a noble citizen risking it all for their safety. With the ploy of swaying public opinion to her cause, Waller drops another bombshell with her next plan of attack.

How desperate is Waller willing to go? Readers find out quickly that there is a reason Waller is one of the most feared forces in the entire DC Universe. How will the heroes react?

As the playing field is now set, it’s race against time for the Titans as Waller’s plans are in full motion. The closing act gives more clarity onto where things head now, but the final image sets forth an unseen dynamic. With the stakes being raised higher, all bets are off to the fate of the DCU after this event.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica,Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira,Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Javier Fernández)

If readers weren’t sure why Amanda Waller is such an imposing force in DC Comics, Taylor devotes an ample amount of page time to drive that point home.

The writing reflects how driven she is without a shred of emotion affecting her. Once readers realize what she’s planning on doing, it brings a sense of fear and shock to the levels to secure victory.


There is a conversation involving Nightwing and Waller that sets up an ultimate chess match of good and evil. The dialogue involved hits multiple points with one verbal jab that goes for a knockout.

The rest of the issue focuses on reacting to Waller’s moves. This builds into an emotionally charged closing pages. The final panel sets up many questions as Taylor is pulling out more shocks to usher this event into its’ next phase.

The art duties are spilt for this tale. Reis brings the coldness of Waller’s address to the pages with a intimidating feel. the mannerisms in which she drives her points will send a clear message to the audience about the way she is willing to conduct business. This counters Raven’ reflections of losing her boyfriend due to Waller.

There are a few action sequences to break up the heavy dialogue. It adds more to the confrontation in the latter portion of the book. Once that moment kicks off, readers begin to see the start of a true test of wills. This all leads to a shocking parting image which leaves many questions. With the new dynamic involved, it is anyone’s guess where Waller’s plans take readers next.


The reveal of Amanda Waller’s plans drives home the sense of danger surrounding “Beast World”. With Taylor’s unapologetic approach to Waller’s vision leading the way, readers will get caught up in the creative team’s positioning of key players with their strong artwork. With the fate of the DCU now in the crossfire, readers can’t afford to miss this story.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Titans: Beast World #5. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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