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BATMAN SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #23 by MARK WAID, DAN MORA, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, “Kingdom Come” has become a reality for a pair of iconic superheroes. With this current story arc, BATMAN and SUPERMAN embarked on a simple rescue mission. What they got instead is a nightmarish scenario that longtime DC Comics fans know all too well. Considering the events of last issue, time is running out on any chance to save this world from a fate no one deserves.

BATMAN SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #23 by MARK WAID, DAN MORA, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands leads into a showdown long overdue. Let’s take a closer look and see how things are developing now.



On Earth-22, there is one ruler: COG! He has taken on an apprentice: David Sikela aka Thunderman. Cog gives him a new name: MAGOG. The name means “Gateway”. Magog is imperative to his plans of leading the heroes of Earth into a war on APOKOLIPS! Cog sells the dream of divine ascension following him into battle. Little does anyone know, this is all a ruse for something more evil.

BATMAN SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #23 by MARK WAID, DAN MORA, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Sebastian Fiumara)

With Sikela’s powers used to fuel this trip, Cog is on the brink of success. Luckily, his plans are interrupted by an unlikely group.

Batman and Superman are joined by their Earth-22 counterparts, who have been swayed to see through Cog’s lies. With the Batmen focusing their attack on Sikela, The Supermen take aim at Cog! The battles become intense as one refuses to see the truth while another is blind from his own delusions.

Readers bare witness to battles fitting of the stakes. Even with a major turning point, can the heroes find a way to win? Judging by the final page, there is a whole other level of danger that just entered the game of good vs. evil.

Even with all the action, Waid keeps things geared around Sikela’s destined path. The initial moments with Cog selling his plan creates a sense of uncertainty with the young follower blindly absorbing the lies.

Once the heroes arrive, the shift in the story is undeniable.

BATMAN SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #23 by MARK WAID, DAN MORA, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Michael Walsh)

The Supermen showcase the unending hope synonymous with the Man of Steel. Even in the face of danger, the unending hope never stalls. Meanwhile, Batman trying to reason with Sikela are moments that will stick with the readers.

The end results provide an aura of excitement leading into the shocking final page. There’s always a high level of writing with this series and much for fans to enjoy.


Few come near the artistic heights of action like Dan Mora. The heroes make a dramatic entrance with a full page panel. From here, the pace never slows down. The art mirrors the rage and emotions with trying to stop Cog at all costs. In between all the fighting, the close up’s of “Magog” prove how Batman’s words are just as sharp as his strikes.

The fallout results one epic two page spread starting the next round of conflict. Mora and Bonvillain bring an end to a fight with a superb full page. The lettering of Wands ends events with a huge exclamation point.

That said, the closing page will have readers talking and singing the praises of the creative team. It is no wonder why this series gets the accolades it does every time a new chapter drops.


With time slipping away, a final attack is launched. the World’s Finest are the only thing standing between life and death on Earth-22. The question is: will it be enough? Waid provides the foundation with emotional writing. Paired with the dynamic visuals of Mora, Bonvillian and Wands, and all shall be revealed in another excellent chapter.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman Superman: World’s Finest #23. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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