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The Midnite Show, it’s the Monster Picture Everyone has been Dying to See!


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Script: Cullen Bunn

Art & COVER: Brian Hurtt

Colors: Bill Crabtree

Letters: Jim Campbell

Artist for Cover B: Dan Brereton

Cover C Artist: Francesco Francavilla

The Midnite Show by Dark Horse Comics
The Midnite Show, Images by Dark Horse Comics

The Midnite Show by Dark Horse Comics

If you’re looking for a fun and spooky almost Monster Squad meets Werewolf by Night feel, this is the comic for you. The Midnite Show gives you classic monsters having a meta good time. I thought I knew right away what kind of comic this would be, and was already excited. However, when I realized it was much more, I got even more excited.  

The Story

The Midnite Show opening page
Images by Dark Horse Comics

The story begins on the night of a full moon! There’s a beautiful terrified woman in a long and flowy white dress. We think we know this story, and we think we’ve seen this story. Then, the story gets switched up from the classic arc, to then do a complete 180 and catch me off guard. 

Throughout this comic, the story goes back and forth from suspense to comedy. From classic scary movies, to modern day nonsense. This first issue covered all the classic monsters, made me giggle, made me on edge, and made me need to know more about the mysterious, “God of Monsters” Basil Saxon. 

Without spoiling the end (which did end on a cliffhanger), all I will say is I relate way too much to the guy at the end. Which many horror/supernatural fans would. We, as the audience, have learned how to kill every monster out there, but could we actually do it?

The Art

To bring a classic monster to life on the pages of a comic book, you need dark and beautiful art. This comic did just that right away. Furthermore, going from classic monster movie feel to modern day nonsense required very different settings, colors, and tones. That was also accomplished, and done so beautifully. There was a lot of back and forth in this comic, and it never felt rushed or confusing. The art helped the story flow, while making sure you knew where you were and what was going on at all times.

Images by Dark Horse Comics

The Midnite Show Rating: 9/10

All in all, this is a hell of a fun and spooky comic. If you’re a fan of classic monsters, and fun stories, this is definitely a comic to add to your pull list. So in the spirit (pun intended) of the season, light that pumpkin candle, pour a seasonal beverage, and enjoy this classic/not classic monster story! 

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Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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