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Klik Klik Boom #4: Pictures Speak Louder than Words


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Klik Klik Boom #4 – Image Comics

Creative Team

Writer: Doug Wagner

Artist: Doug Dabbs 

Colorist: Matt Wilson

Letterer: Ed Dukeshire 

Designer: Erika Schnatz 

Logo: Nicole Dabbs 

Klik Klik Boom – Images provided by Image Comics

Klik Klik Boom!

Klik Klik Boom has kept me engaged and curious from beginning to end. Our main character, Sprout, is on a murder spree for revenge, but she still somehow maintains an innocence about her. While Sprout does not speak, she communicates with polaroid pictures.

Whether it’s to save a friend’s life, or to show someone why she is about to murder them, her polaroids seem to speak louder than words ever could. As we learn more about her backstory and reason for wanting revenge, the overall picture is becoming more clear. 

Check out the Issue #3 review.  

The Story

Page from Klik Klik Boom from Image Comics
Images of Klik Klik Boom provided by Image Comics

Klik Klik Boom Issue #4 kicks off with a very pleasant surprise. One that, much like Quicksilver, I did not see coming. As quick as we get a good surprise, here comes a bad guy, with his narcissistic bad guy speech.

However, Sprout does not disappoint. She beautifully handles herself all the while, continuing to utilize her pictures to say what she needs to.

Throughout this comic we have gone back and forth from present day, to flashbacks of Sprout and her grandfather. The flashback in this issue immediately made me think of of Scrooge McDuck, and giggle.

Nevertheless, the Disney moment passes as quick as it came. We learn a bit more about Grandpa’s past, and why Sprout is the way she is. We also get a line about family from him, that shows a bit about why she is so protective of those she cares about.   

This issue ended a bit differently than the last three. Much like before, we were left with wanting more, but this time there seemed to be some light up ahead.

The Art

With a story where your main character speaks through pictures, you need the art to go a bit further than it usually does. Much like the previous issues, the art tells the story well, while also making the audience empathize with Sprout.

I see an innocence in everything about her, but especially her eyes. I also see it with her need to protect those she loves. The art does that well. It’s almost calming at times, even when Sprout is very cleverly murdering someone. 

Klik Klik Boom Rating: 8.5/10 

While this issue seemed lighter than the first three, it’s still filled with murder, mystery, and polaroids. Each issue gets me more attached to Sprout and the story behind her grandfather. Her pictures create puzzles that then explain and move the story along in a way dialogue couldn’t. 

I look forward to issue five to see how  Sprout, the “snapshot diva” continues to pursue revenge and justice. If Klik Klik Boom isn’t already on your pull list, it’s not too late to add it! 

For more from Hops GEEK News.

Images from Image Comics for Klik Klik Boom
Images of Klik Klik Boom provided by Image Comics

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