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Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative
Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast on Nerd Initiative!
For this entry, it is the long awaited return of one of the pillars of comic’s most exciting universe: the Massive-verse! The Image Comics line (via Black Market Narrative) has returned with a vengeance following its’ 2023 “Supermassive” Crossover book. The landmark Radiant Black #25 and Rogue Sun #13 have both resumed to much fan reaction. Now, the last regular series Massive-Verse Book is back at the local comic shops this week!
THE DEAD LUCKY #7 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) brings a new stat quo following the aftermath of the Battle for San Francisco! Let’s not wait any longer and dive into this issue, shall we?
Returning home for Bibiana Lopez-Yang aka Bibi post military service has not been easy. After being honorably discharged, Bibi is addressing her own mental health issues (PTSD and Survivor’s Guilt) and the event from Afghanistan that killed her platoon along with giving her electrical based powers.
Bibi was also caught in the middle of a battle between Morrow, a tech corporation looking to control San Francisco and the Salvation Gang, a self-touted “fighters for the people”, but are they really? The battle has been brought to her front door with her parents’ restaurant being lost in the fight.
With things escalating, Bibi forges an uneasy alliance with The Salvation Gang to end things once and for all. However, nothing could have prepared Bibi for losing her ex-boyfriend/ally Eddie, who sacrificed himself to save Bibi from a Morrow weapon.
With the gang in shambles and Morrow getting ready for another round, Bibi cuts a deal with Mr. Jimmi Moss, the head of Morrow. The fighting stops when Bibi joins Morrow as the head of their special crimes division. Now on the inside, Bibi makes plans to end Morrow once and for all.
This issue opens up in Bucharest, Romania. A young girl is being held hostage by a group of human traffickers. Getting ready to extract her from this situation is Bibi and her new Morrow team. Readers might recognizes some members as former Salvation Gang standouts. With time ticking away, Bibi goes into action to make the save!
How does this mission fare? Readers see quickly how Bibi operates on getting the job done. In its’ fallout, San Francisco has changed. Is it better or worse? Where does Bibi fit into plans? And what of her next assignment? Readers had better buckle up for an exhilarating ride as the stakes have been raised to challenge Bibi even further than before!
Flores brings readers back to a very different landscape than when we last saw Bibi. Right from the start, the story wastes no time getting down to business. The tone is tense with every action impactful. Readers immediately sense the danger and how clockwork-like Bibi operates.
The aftermath of the previous arc lingers with Bibi and her emotions reflect that. Readers see that the loss of Eddie still weighs heavy with her motivations post mission.
Bibi doesn’t do everything perfect and her interactions with her circle of friends and family demonstrates that exceptionally.
Heading into the final arc, Flores sets up a great cliffhanger ending with an interesting personal set-up. What should be a routine mission turns into something more which fans will clamoring to see more of.
Carlomagno and Iacono deliver a fair balance of action and emotions panels with this return issue. The extraction portion keeps a fast pace, instantly locking in with readers. Seeing how precise Bibi is with her mission was a perfect way to kick things into motion with Morrow.
The emotional changes between Bibi and her supporting cast also jumped out. The art team focuses heavy on the strain of working for Morrow and the guilt of Eddie’s death. It reflects how her character is flawed and not perfect.
One sequence that defines this is when Bibi is at the family restaurant Seeing the old picture of her and Eddie, followed by the confession of self guilt made for a noteworthy portion of the issue. Strong final act with a show-stealing final page takes readers into the next chapter in an exhilarating note.
With a new stat quo cemented in place, the return of Bibiana Lopez-Yang kicks off its’ next chapter with an issue you can’t miss. Flores’ incredible writing is matched with Carlomagno’s superb visuals to give readers a combination of action and emotional complexity that simply can’t be missed. Make sure to snag your copy on New Comic Book Day!
Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on The Dead Lucky #7. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative!