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TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES/STRANGER THINGS #1 – IDW publishing/Netflix/Nickelodeon/Dark Horse Comics

CREATIVE: Cameron Chittock, Fero Pe, Sofie Dodgson and Rus Wooton

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast on Nerd Initiative!

For this entry, the Heroes In A Half Shells enter into a new crossover with one of pop culture’s biggest fandoms for an all-new series! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are no strangers to huge crossovers. Earlier this year, they were featured in a sequel series with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. For this adventure, Turtle Power alone might not be enough to handle the threats from the Upside Down.

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES/STRANGER THINGS #1 by Cameron Chittock, Fero Pe, Sofie Dodgson and Rus Wooton (Credit: IDW Publishing and Dark Horse Comics) pairs the heroes with Eleven and the gang from Hawkins, Indiana for a monumental event! Let’s take a closer look and see how things unfold, shall we?

The story begins in New York City circa 1985. Some passengers on the subway line notice a “Rat” moving along the car. Little do they know, this is no ordinary rat. One passenger puts it best: “The Whole City Is Going to Hell”. This becomes very evident with a noticeable marking underneath the seats.


Above ground, tourists flood the streets of the Big Apple. One such group is definitely far from home. Readers see the familiar faces of Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield and Dustin Henderson sight-seeing with a class trip. When Eleven meets up with them, they find themselves seperated from their group.

Heading into the subway to catch up, the group hears a frightening but familiar sound. Miles away, it appears the supernatural followed them from Hawkins. Looking to investigate, the kids head deeper into the subway. What they find is more than they bargained for. Luckily, they get some much needed back-up from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

What could be the common cause for these two groups to cross paths? Readers find out quickly that this is no random occurrence. Events are in motion that start peeling back the layers to the suspicion. The final moments build for a surprise that will have readers locked in for next issue and the rest of the series! Get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

BREAKDOWN: Chittock balances the supernatural and super-heroics with a fine balance in this opening issue. The banter of the kids from Hawkins fits right in line with what won over millions from the hit Netflix show. Even with the big change of scenery, nothing felt out of place.

Even when the kids meet up with the ‘Turtles, the reaction of the kids is priceless. The moment plays into both fandoms extremely well. Even when the final act starts ramping up, readers can easily get caught up in the story. Solid surprise ending to lock readers in for the long haul.


Pe and Dodgson bring out the best of NYC with the panels of sight-seeing. Incredible shot of the Empire State Building with the kids’ reactions in the surrounding panels. Once the action begins, the art team sets the pace early with a huge visual of what was in the subway.

As great as that was, it’s topped by a two full page spread of the Turtles entering the fray. The kids’ reactions reflect the same type of moments on the show. This plays into connecting with readers about the mystery looming ahead. There’s also a great display page of Eleven using her powers that fans will be excited to see. Solid final visual to send readers into the next phase of a very entertaining saga.


Chittock, Pe, Dodgson and the team unite the heroes of Hawkins with the legendary TMNT squad for an impressive debut issue. Fans of both franchises will discover quickly how well this pairing gels with the stellar writing and attention-grabbing visuals. The story is just beginning and you won’t want to miss this!

Hit me up on ODPH Social Media and let me know your thoughts about TMNT/Stranger Things #1. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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