Annihilation 2099 brings Marvel comics fans two short stories based on Nova and Dracula! Steve Orlando tackles both stories with tact, reinvigorating the character...
Wolverine uses Project Hellfire's resources to hunt down The Destroyers. At the same time, the demon Bagra-Ghul has chosen a new vessel and resurrected...
Creative Team - Tom Waltz(writer). Juan José Ryp(artist). Guru-eFX(color artist). VC's Corey Petit(letterer). Ben Harvey(cover artist). Nick Bradshaw & Jim Charalampidis(variant cover artists).
Published by...
Creative Team - Tom Waltz(writer). Juan José Ryp(artist). Guru-eFX(color artist). Cory Petit(letterer). Ben Harvey(cover artist). Nick Bradshaw, Jim Charalampidis, Kevin Eastman, Paul Mounts, Skotti...