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Tag: sports

In preparation for the new Superman movie hitting theaters in July, let’s reflect on former Man of Steel’s over the years. I love that each of them have their own unique take on the character, and...
First Look at the Megatron Story in Transformers #19 By Daniel Warren Johnson and Ludo Lullabi! This April, the best-selling Energon Universe story begins its fourth arc! Today, Skybound and Image Comics, in partnership with Hasbro, a leader in...

‘Next Goal Wins’ Scores With Comedy and Community

Soccer. It’s the international sport known for its iconic black and white ball, and insane on-field dramatics. And for the longest time, soccer-related film...

CREED: THE NEXT ROUND #1 – A Fighter Never Stops Battling

Amara walking to a ring, clad in a boxing robe. With her father in her corner, Amara prepares for a...


Making matters worse, Aiden is late and doesn’t seem to be that committed to the team. This brings up more frustration which Aiden plays off, explaining how...

‘Air’ – The Story of How One Shoe Changed Everything 

Air tells the story of Air Jordan, the iconic basketball shoe line that was created in order to get Michael Jordan to sign exclusively...

‘Chang Can Dunk’ – Exploring Layers of The Asian Diaspora

Just a month ago, Disney+ released an original film, Chang Can Dunk, which stars Bloom Li as Chang, an Asian-American high schooler who dreams...

‘Creed III’ – Friendship and Legacy, But Only One Champion

As someone who is very new to the world of Rocky and Creed, it was imperative that I catch the latest film, Creed III....

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