Marvel’s highly anticipated One World Under Doom event series is about to make a monumental impact this February, as Doctor Doom takes center stage in his quest for ultimate power. What’s even more thrilling for fans?...
The comic book world is about to experience a paradigm shift as writer Deniz Camp (20th Century Men), artist Eric Zawadzki (House of El), colorist Jordie Bellaire (Birds of Prey), and letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Time Before...
Creative Team:
Writer: David Pepose
Artist: Dave Wachter,
Colors: Dan Brown
Letters: VC’s Cory Petit
Cover: Rod Reis
Publisher: Marvel Entertainment
The Plot:
Joe is continuing his hunt for answers which brings...
Here's What We Know
Earlier this week, The Hollywood Reporter broke the news that actor Jon Bernthal would reprise his role as Frank Castle/Punisher in...