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Tag: power rangers

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #109 – Vile On The Verge of Ultimate Victory

Flores kicks off the conclusion of the current arc with an issue fans will be...

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #108 Review

The Rita Repulsa fans might remember from the TV show is no more. Out of her shadow has emerged a dangerous foe that the Rangers haven’t been able to stop...

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 – The Battle Continues

Lord Zedd was brought to Prometha Headquarters to heal but how safe is that place with Zedd residing in it? There’s little time to process as Vile and her...

MMPR/TMNT II #4 – An Iconic Team Up!

When these two forces meet the first time, their combined efforts defeated Shredder and Rita Repulsa. In the aftermath, Shredder was dropped off the radar...


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 by Flores, Di Gianfelice, along with Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire for BOOM! STUDIOS looks to continue

Power Rangers/TMNT #2 – A Surprise Enemy Emerges

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH podcast via the Nerd Initiative! For this entry, we...

Power Rangers Icon Jason David Frank Has Passed Away at Age 49

It's with a heavy heart that Nerd Initiative has confirmed the passing of Power Rangers icon Jason David Frank. The actor's rep confirmed the news...

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