Marvel’s highly anticipated One World Under Doom event series is about to make a monumental impact this February, as Doctor Doom takes center stage in his quest for ultimate power. What’s even more thrilling for fans?...
The comic book world is about to experience a paradigm shift as writer Deniz Camp (20th Century Men), artist Eric Zawadzki (House of El), colorist Jordie Bellaire (Birds of Prey), and letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Time Before...
Creative Team
Story & Art by: Tony S. Daniel; Colors: Leonardo Paciarotti; Letters: Nathan Kempf; Editor: Kel Symons.
Edenwood - Image Comics
The first issue kicked off...
Nightwing #106 by DC Comics
Creative: Tom Taylor, Michael Conrad (Breakfast for Dinner), Steven Byrne, Serg Acuña (Breakfast for Dinner), Adriano Lucas and Wes Abbott
Birds Of Prey #1 by DC Comics
Creative: Kelly Thompson (CAPTAIN MARVEL, BLACK CLOAK), Leonardo Romero, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles
Welcome to an all-new edition...