Bruce Banner finds himself trapped in the Hulkscape, a horrific and violent place where his consciousness is imprisoned while The Incredible Hulk is in...
Creative Team - Danny Lore(writer). Vincenzo Carratù(artist). David Curiel(color artist). VC's Joe Sabino(letterer). Rod Reis(cover artist). Mateus Manhanini(variant cover artist). Jay Bowen(design). Martin Biro(assistant...
Creative Team: Mat Groom (Writing), Tommaso Bianchi (Artist) Andrew Dalhouse (Colors), Joe Sabino (Letters)
The Writing:
Mat Groom's writing immediately captures the reader's attention with the...
Creative Team - Steve Foxe(writer). Netho Diaz(penciler). Sean Parsons & Lorenzo Ruggiero(inkers). Alex Sinclair(color artist). Vc's Clayton Cowles(letterer). Dotun Akande(cover artist). Nic Klein(variant cover...
Creative Teams - "The Tyrant Star" - Steve Orlando(writer). Jose Luis(penciler). Oren Junior(inker). Arif Prianto(color artist).
"Dracula's Risen" - Steve Orlando(writer). Dale Eaglesham(artist). Raúl Eaglesham(color...
Creative Team: Jed MacKay, Pasqual Ferry, Heather Moore , and Cory Petit (Marvel Entertainment)
In Doctor Strange #17, we find ourselves immersed in a delightfully...
Annihilation 2099 brings Marvel comics fans two short stories based on Nova and Dracula! Steve Orlando tackles both stories with tact, reinvigorating the character...
Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points!
For this entry, the darkness further encompasses the Marvel Universe. Heroes have fallen. A true evil...
Wolverine uses Project Hellfire's resources to hunt down The Destroyers. At the same time, the demon Bagra-Ghul has chosen a new vessel and resurrected...