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Tag: martystoked

Green Arrow #8 – Onomatopoeic Mayhem in Star City!

Creative: Joshua Williamson (Writer), Phil Hester (Penciler), Eric Gapstur (Inker), Romulo Fajardo Jr. (Colorist), Troy Peteri (Letters) Green Arrow #8 - DC Comics Green Arrow #8 takes...


Good is only as great as the evil it faces.... Throughout the landscape of time, the original "Fight Forever" has given characters new levels of...

John Constantine Hellblazer Dead In America #1

Creative Team: Simon Spurrier (Writter), Aaron Campbell (Artist), Jordie Bellaire (Colorist), Aditya Bidikar (Letters) John Constantine is back, and this time, he's facing death in...

Nightwing #110 – Unleashing the Beast Within

Creative team: Tom Taylor (Writer), Sami Basri (Artist), Vicente Cifuentes (Inker), Adriano Lucas (Colorist), Wes Abbott (Letters) Nightwing #110 - DC Comics Welcome, comic enthusiasts and...

Titans #7 – A Cosmic Showdown Unveils Secrets!

Creative Team: Tom Taylor (Writer), Travis Moore (Artist), Tamra Bonvillain (Colorist), Wes Abbott (Letters) Titans #7 - DC Comics Titans #7 brings an explosive showdown with...

Reckoning Shadows: The Titans Confront Waller’s Malevolent Design

Creative Team: Tom Taylor (Writer), Lucas Meyer (Artist), Romulo Fajardo Jr (Colorist), Wes Abbott (Letters) Titans Beast World #4 - DC Comics Amidst the echelons of...

The Schlub #5: Tumultuous Twists and Cinematic Confrontations

Creative Team: Ryan Stegman, Kenny Porter, Tyrell Cannon, Mike Spicer and John J. Hill The Schlub has been a Nerd Initiative Bullpen favorite ever since it has come out. With the...

Green Arrow #7: Unraveling Shadows and Family Ties

Creative Team: Joshua Williamson (Writer), Carmine Di Giandomenico and Trevor Hairsine (Artists), Romulo Fajardo Jr. (Colorist), Troy Peteri (Letters) Green Arrow #7 - DC Comics Green...

Festive Showdown: Unwrapping the Delightful Conclusion of Batman-Santa Claus Silent Night #4

Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Night #4 - DC Comics Creative team: Jeff Parker (Writer), Stephen Segovia and Danny Kim (Artist), Alex Sinclair (Colors), and...

The Schlub #4 – Dinner, Wyrm, and Family Ties

Creative Team: Ryan Stegman, Kenny Porter, Tyrell Cannon, Mike Spicer and John J. Hill Introducing: The Schlub! Hold on tight as we dive into this epic issue that has left our...

Kaya #13 – Navigating Uncharted Waters

Kaya Issue 12 –  Image Comics Creative team: Wes Craig (story, art and design), Jason Wordie (colors), Tom Napolitano (letters), Erika Schnatz (design) Kaya #13 embarks on a thrilling new story arc that...

GRIM #15 – Threads of Destiny

GRIM #15 by BOOM! STUDIOS CREATIVE: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano The magnitude of this final installment was too immense for a single reviewer to tackle alone. Hence, Ken and...

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