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Tag: Graphic Novel Review

JOE QUESADA AND CHRISTOPHER PRIEST CREATE THE FUTURE OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE IN MARVEL KNIGHTS: THE WORLD TO COME! Marvel creators Joe Quesada and Christopher Priest reunite in Marvel Knights: The World to Come, a six-issue comic...
Toronto Comic Con, a three-day-event that runs in the spring of every year, is what I affectionately dub as Baby Con - it's a precursor to the more real and large scale four-day FanExpo Canada that...

Frankenstein: New World – The Sea of Forever #1

From the devilishly creative mind of Mike Mignola comes the latest story set in the Hellboy universe. He collaborates with his longtime partners Christopher...

The Shadows of Thule (Part 1 of 2) – An Epic Graphic Novel Fit For Cinema

The book begins by telling us a legend of the origins of the Picts in Scotland. It says that originally, a race of giants from the island...

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