Image is everything to some people. It can lead to extreme measures taken for public approval. This concept unfortunately lingers around the thoughts of...
Creative Team:
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Bryan Hitch
Inker: Andrew Currie
Colors: Brad Anderson
Letters: Rob Leigh
Cover by: Brad Anderson and Bryan Hitch
Redcoat #5:
"Prisoners of the hooded cult called...
Creative Team:
Writer: Geoff Johns
Art: Gary Frank
Colors: Brad Anderson
Letters: Rob Leigh
Cover: Gary Frank and Brad Anderson
Geiger #5:
Geiger is left powerless and desperate as The...
Creative Team:
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Jason Fabok
Colorist: Brad Anderson
Letters: Rob Leigh
Cover: Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson
Rook Exodus #4:
Ursaw the Bear Warden has been hunting down other wardens for their...
Creative Team:
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Andrew Currie and Bryan Hitch
Colors: Brad Anderson
Letters: Rob Leigh
Cover: Bryan Hitch and Brad Anderson
Editor: Brian Cunningham
Redcoat #4:
The Founding Fathers...