Creative Team - Murewa Ayodele(writer). Lucas Werneck(artist). Alex Guimarães(color artist). VC’s Travis Lanham(letterer). Mateus Manhanini(cover artist).
Published by Marvel Entertainment
Be sure to catch up with Storm #4 here!
The Story
After Storm was diagnosed with radiation poisoning, she was cured by Doctor...
Creative Team - Gail Simone(writer). Andrei Bressan(artist). Matthew Wilson(color artist). VC's Clayton Cowles(letterer). David Marquez & Matthew Wilson(cover artists).
Published by Marvel Entertainment
Be sure to catch up with The Uncanny X-Men #9 here!
The Story...
Creative Team:
Writer: Christopher Cantwell
Art: Alex Lins
Colors: Jacob Edgar and Marceloo Maiolo
Letters: Becca Carey
Cover by: Alex Lins and Marcelo Maiolo
Plastic Man No More! #1:...
Check out our review of 'My Adventures With Superman' the animated series based on the famous DC Comics superhero premiering on Adult Swim on May 25th.
Creative Team:
Writer- Brian Buccellato
Artist- Christian Duce and Tom Derenick
Colorist- Luis Guerrero
Letterer- Richard Starkings and Comicraft's Jimmy Betancourt
Cover Artist- Drew Johnson and Romulo...