The story of B (aka Unute) has been drenched in mystery and violence for decades. In present day, B has aligned himself with the US Government, as a human...
Polka-Dot Man, aka. Abner Krill, was created by Bill Finger and Sheldon Moldoff. He made his first comic book appearance in Detective Comics #300 back in 1962.
Comic Watch contributor Anthony Bergamini joins Sean in discussing the latest limited series from DC Comics, The Human Target, by Tom King and Greg Smallwood. They discuss the writing and artwork of the series, the highlights of the Justice League International characters, the theme of death, and what they hope to see for the future of The Human Target, Christopher Chance.
NOTE: The Captioned Life Show is a member of the Comic Watch family.
Cultural historian and professor David Hajdu joins Sean in discussing the history...
Phantom Road #1 wastes no time delivering a mesmerizing tale combining the worlds of fantasy horror and realistic drama to give readers an excellent...
Check ou what you can expect at this year's Indiana Comic Convention with Sean of "The Captioned Life" and Indiana Comic Convention Spokesperson Ro Malaga!
Now is time to leave a comment with your best guess. Even if you have to take a wild shot in the dark, you never know which of those shots will actually land!