Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #117, Written by Melissa Flores, Illustrated by Simon De Gianfelice and Marco Renna, Colored by Raul Angulo w/ Jose Enrique...
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #117, Written by Melissa Flores, Illustrated by Simon De Gianfelice and Marco Renna, Colored by Raul Angulo w/ Jose Enrique...
Writer Darcy Van Poelgeest
Artist Caio Filipe
Cover Artist Alex Eckman-Lawn
Detective Strikman is back with investigating the disappearances of the girl...
Sirens of the City #6 – BOOM! Studios
Creative Team: Joanne Starer(Writer), Khary Randolph (Art), Andworld Design (Letters)
The grand finale of "Sirens of the City" delivers on the promise of...
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #115 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire for BOOM! Studios
Matt, now freed from Mistress Vile, is giving...
Writer: Simon Spurrier
Illustrated By: Charlie Adlard
Colored By: Sofie Dogson, Daniel Silva De Carvalho
Lettered by: Jim Campbell
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
When it comes to comics the issues...
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #114 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire for BOOM! Studios
The Darkest Hour continues, bringing rangers together and rallying...