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Tag: al ewing

In preparation for the new Superman movie hitting theaters in July, let’s reflect on former Man of Steel’s over the years. I love that each of them have their own unique take on the character, and...
First Look at the Megatron Story in Transformers #19 By Daniel Warren Johnson and Ludo Lullabi! This April, the best-selling Energon Universe story begins its fourth arc! Today, Skybound and Image Comics, in partnership with Hasbro, a leader in...

All-New Venom #1 – Who is Behind the Mask?

After the fall-out from Venom War, neither Eddie or Dylan Brock are bonded with the Venom Symbiote. Instead, Venom is in search of a...

Venom War #4 – The Best Venom Family

Creative team - Al Ewing(writer). Iban Coello(artist). Frank D'Armata(color artist). VC's Ariana Maher(letterer). Iban Coello & Frank D'Armata(cover artists). Chris Giarrusso, Clayton Crain, John...

Venom War #3 – The Attack of the Future

Creative Team - Al Ewing(writer). Iban Coello(artist). Frank D'Armata(color artist). VC's Ariana Maher(letterer). Iban Coello & Frank D'Armata(cover artists). Will Sliney & Israel Silva,...

Venom War #2 – A New Contender

Creative Team - Al Ewing(writer). Iban Coello(artist). Frank D'Armata(color artist). VC's Ariana Maher(letterer). Iban Coello & Frank D'Armata(cover artists). Iban Coello, Skottie Young, Peach...

Venom War #1 – May the Best Host Win

Creative Team - Al Ewing(writer). Iban Coello(artist). Frank D'Armata(colors artist). VC's Ariana Maher(letterer). Iban Coello & Frank D'Armata(cover artists). Skottie Young, Rose Besch, Philip...

The Immortal Thor #11 – Sibling Love and Sibling Rivalry

Creative Team - Al Ewing(writer). Valentina Pinti(artist). Espen Grundetjern(colorist). Joe Sabino(letterer). Alex Ross(cover artist). Arthur Adams, Edgar Delgado, Greg & Tim Hildebrandt(variant cover artists). Published...

The Immortal Thor #10: The Magic of Capitalism

The Enchantresses trap has been sprung and now it entangles! The spell that Enchantress used through Thor's very own comic book has clouded his...

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