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BIRDS OF PREY #1 review – Soaring to dangerous heights!


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Birds Of Prey #1 by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC Comics)

Birds Of Prey #1 by DC Comics

Creative: Kelly Thompson (CAPTAIN MARVEL, BLACK CLOAK), Leonardo Romero, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out the latest incarnation of a popular team amongst DC Comics fans! Ever since its’ debut with BLACK CANARY/ORACLE: BIRDS OF PREY #1 in 1995, BIRDS OF PREY has continuously made its mark being one of DC’s best teams. With a primarily female-led line-up, the team has created quite a legacy now over 28 years! Now with the “Dawn Of DC” back in full swing after “Knight Terrors”, a new team has formed taking the mantle into the next chapter of their history.

Birds Of Prey #1 by Kelly Thompson (CAPTAIN MARVEL, BLACK CLOAK), Leonardo Romero, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles welcome fans to a new era of the team. It also ushers in Thompson’s DC Comics debut! Let’s not wait another second and see what this all-star line-up brings for this explosive team, shall we?

Birds Of Prey #1 by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Chris Bachalo)



The story begins in Star City. Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance are having a discussion about Dinah’s latest mission. The details are vague, but the stakes seem to have Dinah anxious about what she’s about to do. Readers witness that Barbara Gordon (Longtime Birds Of Prey member) has been kept out of the loop. With all this tension, what could be the cause? It is revealed that something has happened to Sin, Dinah’s sister.

The search for team members begin with Dinah stopping by Gotham City. A certain caped fighter is holding her own against the League of Assassins: Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)! Dinah jumps in the fray and business is handled. Readers witness Dinah’s pitch to join on this mission and a somewhat surprise reaction from Batgirl.

From here, readers settle in for the ride as Dinah and Cassandra go back recruiting for their mission, adding two dangerous fighters to the team” Zealot and Big Barda! Just as it seems the team is ready, a decision is made for a fifth member. It’s one that could make or break this team before they even start. The fifth choice is Harley Quinn!


Does Harley accept? How will his team work together? Get ready as the key players appear to be lined up. The final moments drop a bombshell on what is happening here which can only guarantee that readers will be counting down the days until issue #2!

Birds Of Prey #1 by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC Comics – Cover – Stanley Artgerm Lau)

Thompson makes a huge splash that fans new and old will can’t wait to see play out. Opening with her struggles braking away from Oracle, Thompson shows a sense of doubt in Dinah that is rarely seen. Once the reason behind the danger is reveal, it’s an instant connection with readers.

The recruitment stories play out well, building up the hype for the new team. The banter between Big Barda and Batgirl will make for a great pairing between the heroes in future issues. The addition of Zealot could prove to be the real wild-card of the team.


The Harley Quinn factor is a great shake-up to how the team is coming together. Thompson sets up the reasoning why in a unique way that makes the choice easier to break down. The line-up is a great one and for what lies ahead, there’s much to enjoy.

Romero and Bellaire balance the action and drama out evenly through the entire issue. Form the beginning, the art reflects how Dinah is preparing for the upcoming mission. The reactions in the conversation with Oliver connect with readers as how the stakes are high with no room for error.

The panels also showcase how Barbara not being involved is playing a big part into the overall feel of the book. This quickly shifts into the stop by Gotham and an incredible two page full spread of Dinah and Cassandra teaming up.

This is matched with a great “flashback” sequence where the coloring is flipped lighter, adding a distinct look to the mini-story break here. Solid final page reveal imagery to set the course on what is sure to be an instant hit with fans.


The line-up put together is going to be one of legend in the hands of Thompson, Romero and the team. Superb writing sets the stage for an explosive mission while the art keeps leveling off the high paced action with the emotions fueling this very personal assignment. You absolutely don’t want to miss checking this book out on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Birds Of Prey #1. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative.

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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