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Is this the end for Paradise Gardens? Thanks to the scheming of Dr. Zerc, the care center is under siege. Loo is the only hope to save the day. Unfortunately, she has been taken off the board. The Cheeky Monkey cult is manipulating events. Is there any hope in saving the gardens before its too late?

PARANOID GARDENS #6 by Gerard Way, Shaun Simon, Chris Weston, Dave Stewart and Nate Piekos concludes this trip on the wild side of comics.

Let’s take a closer look at this series finale!


Since the first issue, this series has had a unique charm to its’ writing. It stands on its own. This is shown in the origins of the Gardens. The writers bring out the desperation of losing the center with divine fate. Seeing how Grace evolves into the being she is today is quite the twist. It launches the center into a new direction before crashing into the present.

Once the Cult is running rough shot on the gardens, the dire feel grows. Grace makes a play that changes everything. Seeing the notable head nurse appear “human” in action is a win for the readers. This speeds events into the long awaited showdown. Pacing pushes the story into more surprises.


The closing arc ties up loose ends with ease. At its’ core, this has been Loo’s journey. It only makes sense to confront herself by addressing her past. Seeing who becomes her strength hits on a strong note. Events become a touch predictable here. It’s not a bad thing by any stretch. This story has pushed limits. Taking the close to a more “traditional” sense is a success here. The closing page leaves readers with a satisfying finish for now…but forever? I would hope not.

Weston and Stewart ensnare Grace’s frustration in losing the center. The pain is written all over her face. The team handles her transformation in a great manner. Using bright colors off-sets the dreary times. Running things back 30 years prior helps to translate where events lie for the close.

Coloring also shines when Loo is introduced this issue. Seeing the gas released breaks the dark tones apart. It takes away from the Cult’s final ritual. The art never lets the puzzling feel divert from the events playing out. This especially comes into light when Loo uses her power. The scenes reflect the big change unfolding. It sends the story into its “happy ending phase”. Once the final page debuts, it sends readers off with something that has been a staple within these pages: Hope.


Will the Gardens survive the full-on onslaught from the cult? Way and Simon present a tale of internal strength shining through with the writing. Weston, Stewart and Piekos walk the line between enigmatic and excitement with their art. This series has been an experience all its’ own and hopefully closing time on the Gardens is very far away.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Paranoid Gardens #6. Thanks for reading!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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