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X-Force #4 – The Time to Join Forces is Now


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Creative Team – Geoffrey Thorne(writer). Marcus To(artist). Erick Arciniega(color artist). VC’s Joe Caramagna(letterer). Stephen Segovia & Rain Beredo(cover artists). Clayton Crain, Juan Ferreyra(variant cover artists).

Published by Marvel Entertainment

Be sure to catch up with X-Force #3!

Cover art by Stephen Segovia & Rain Beredo. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Last we saw in X-Force #3, Nuklo had taken out most of the X-Force and a mysterious temple appeared out of nowhere. Now, the only one left to fight is Tank. He attacks but Nuklo vanishes leaving Tank confused and bruised. At that moment, the rest of the team is getting up and brushing themselves off. While trying to gather their thoughts, Betsy demands answers from Forge. Forge is unable to give her the answers she wants because something is interfering with the Analog. With the Analog not working, they’re stuck with more questions than answers. What is happening with the fracture? Why is this temple here? What does the temple have to do with Nuklo?

Upon further investigating, they find out that the fracture is headed to the Everglades in Florida. Of course, it would take too much time to get there in the Blackbird, but Betsy has an idea. She can transport the team there using Otherworld’s magic.

Once they arrive to the Everglades, they’re immediately introduced to the monsters of the land, attacking tourists. The team knows all of this chaos will end as soon as they put down Nuklo, so that’s the plan. Finally getting a location on Nuklo, they follow him into the swamp, where they’re met by Man-Thing, the Nexus Guardian, who is taking a turn at taking out the threat.

Variant cover art by Juan Ferreyra. Published by Marvel Entertainment

The Writing

I thoroughly enjoyed X-Force #4 with all the excitement it brought. It’s always a treat seeing Man-Thing, but the characters that showed up at the end made me really excited for the next issue.

It was interesting to see Forge so out of his element with the Analog not working and having to trust Betsy to get them to the Everglades using magic rather than using an invention of his. I think that showed them actually working as a team more than any other point in the run.

The Art

The artists of X-Force #4 did a great job showing exactly how hectic the story was. You could really feel the exasperation in every panel. I think the emotions were showcased the most when the team was making their way to the swamp following Nuklo.

Something I really like is how well certain characters at the end were illustrated, but I won’t name names as I don’t want to spoil that.


This article was written by me, Megan from Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of X-Force #4, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of MediaVerse: Comics Unwrapped on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer for Nerd Initiative.

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