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NYX #2: From the Shadows comes SNIKT!


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NYX #2 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Francesco Mortarino, Raul Angulo, and VC’s Joe Sabino. (Credit Marvel Entertainment. Cover by Sara Pichelli and Federico Blee.)

NYX #2:

Writers: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly

Art: Francesco Mortarino

Colors: Raul Angulo

Letters: VC’s Joe Sabino

Cover by: Sara Pichelli and Federico Blee

Publisher: Marvel Entertainment

FROM THE SHADOWS COMES WOLVERINE! Every day, mutants are being stolen off the streets of Manhattan – unprotected and forgotten by the human world. Now a war-worn WOLVERINE will descend into NYC’s criminal underworld to bring them back into the light.

Who is the mysterious mutant fixer known only as LOCAL? Can Laura stand alone against the dangerous forces working to control the future of New York’s mutants? What reality-bending threat waits in the night, already ten steps ahead? The shadows of NYX are calling. What secrets will you find lurking in that neon darkness?” – Marvel Entertainment

The Art:

Right from the get Francesco and Raul capture the essence of Laura and her ferocity. Greeting us with the stab first, ask questions later method that we expect in a Wolverine; this issue is kick ass. There are a lot of cool color aspects within this issue despite mostly spending it running through the dirty streets of Harlem or a nightclub.

The standout for me, however, is Laura’s costume. It is the yellow and black we expect from a Wolverine but with her standout flair. There is a fluidity of her and Locals movement as they go from heist to heist in the city which can be difficult to capture on a page yet they make it work effortlessly. As for the letters Joe sets the tone by having Laura speak in the angry normal tone she has and then levels it up when Laura has reached her limit. It’s a fun way to have emotions come across through the words.

There are gruesome and amazing scenes in the final pages that showcase a sequence from panel to panel where Laura is regenerating in a slow manner that will absolutely take your breath away.

NYX #2 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Francesco Mortarino, Raul Angulo, and VC’s Joe Sabino. (Credit Marvel Entertainment. Cover by Maria Wolf)

The Writing:

The Hivemind holds nothing back with Laura; they are having fun with her character. She is filled with tenacity and determination as we unfold this story of what is happening to the Mutants.

I know it can be difficult to hear Wolverine and not think about Logan, but the duo does a great job making Laura her character. You don’t even think about there ever being another Wolverine.

There are still comedic, heartfelt moments such as when Kamala pops in, but, overall, this is a fun mystery unraveling issue, cementing NYX into a must-read.


NYX #2 is a violent entry into this run as we meet Laura, AKA Wolverine, and she holds nothing back in her quest to save fellow mutants. This run should find it’s way into your weekly box at your LCS as the team is just getting started.


I’m Matt, one half of the podcast Hops ‘Geek’ News, where we discuss comics, movies, and TV shows. For more reviews and links to our episodes head to http://linktr.ee/hopsgeeknews

Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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