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Deadpool #4 – The Battle of the Lifetime


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Creative Team – Cody Ziglar (writer). Rogê Antônio & Eric Gapstur(pencillers). Jonas Trindade & Eric Gapstur(inkers). Guru-eFX(colors). VC’s Joe Sabino(letterer). Taurin Clarke(cover artist). Jan Bazaldua, Federico Blee, Greg Land, Frank D’Armata(variant cover artists). Carlos Lao(designer). Mr. Daniel(assistant editor). Ellie Pyle(editor). C.B. Cebulski(editor in chief).

Published by Marvel Entertainment

Be sure to check out the review for Deadpool #3! Enjoy!

Cover Art by Taurin Clarke. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Like Father, Like Daughter

Here we are with Deadpool #4! The fourth installment in what’s been an exciting run to read starts with Ellie and Taskmaster training for her to be able to defend herself. Taskmaster is doing his due diligence in making sure she’s really putting in the work but Ellie is holding her own really nicely. Ellie has Deadpool’s healing ability but it also connects with her brain that allows her learn at an accelerated rate. Therefore, Ellie is turning into quite the powerhouse like her dad.

The Final Lesson

With Ellie knowing how to defend herself, she feels it’s only right to join Deadpool in his business of mercenaries, but like any caring father, Deadpool says absolutely not. Understandably so, Deadpool doesn’t want his daughter involved in that part of his life. Just as Deadpool shuts down the discussion, Doug walks in with a message for him. Deathgrip has sent Deadpool a message that he and his team are ready for his “final lesson”, which means the fight is on. Not wanting Taskmaster to bring the fight to them and put Ellie at risk, Deadpool and Taskmaster make their way to Deathgrip’s temple.

Variant cover art by Jan Bazaldua, Federico Blee, Greg Land, Frank D’Armata. Published by Marvel Entertainment

The Art

The artwork in Deadpool #4 is stunning. The way the characters are drawn and colored is incredibly captivating. They are detailed in a way that contrasts perfectly with their surroundings. The subdued backgrounds make Deadpool’s vibrant reds pop beautifully. I also appreciate the attention to detail in how Taskmaster is depicted; his metallic sheen is practically gleaming in every panel. One of my favorite parts of this comic was Ellie training with Taskmaster. You could practically see the power they were putting behind every hit in each panel.

The Writing

Deadpool #4 continues the series perfectly, delivering just the right amount of story to keep readers eagerly anticipating more. Similar to its predecessors, it offers a poignant look into Deadpool’s emotional side, such as when he feels pride for Ellie and how extraordinary she is. Or how reactive he is when his daughter shows interest in joining his mercenary business. Deadpool #4 has the perfect amount of the classic humor we always see from Deadpool mixed with the seriousness of the situation. Cody Ziglar deftly balances depth and humor, maintaining the essence of Deadpool while enriching the story and its characters.

Final Thoughts

I’m excited to see how this run ends but I’m disappointed it’s only five comics. I suppose that just speaks to how well done this Deadpool run is if the reader is hoping for more.

I give this a 9 out of 10.

This review was written by Megan from Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Deadpool #4, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of MediaVerse: Comics Unwrapped on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer for Nerd Initiative.

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