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X-Men: Blood Hunt- Jubilee #1- Return of the Former Life


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Creative Team – Preeti Chhibber(writer). Enid Balàm(penciler). Elisabetta D’Amico(colorist). Jim Campbell(colorist). VC’s Ariana Maher(letterer). Erica D’Urso & Rachelle Rosenberg(cover artists). Peach Momoko & Skottie Young(variant cover artists). Jay Bowen(design).

Published by Marvel Entertainment

Variant Cover Art by Peach Momoko & Skottie Young. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Liking the Blood Hunt event? Check out Wolverine: Blood Hunt #1!

Jubilation Lee, former Vampire

The Blood Hunt event continues and this time the spotlight is on Jubilee! I was really looking forward to reading this one. With how underrated I feel Jubilee usually is and her background as a former vampire, I assumed this would be a home run, and I was correct.

We start with Jubilee on her way to meet some friends when she’s stopped by a herd of vampires attacking their prey. Their prey, a young woman named Sonal, is in need of help and the perfect person to do that just pilled up on her bike sporting her signature yellow jacket. Showing up to assist Jubilee in the battle against the blood sucking monsters is one of the friends she was on her way to meet, a member of The Forgiven. The Forgiven is the group of vampires that helped Jubilee when she was turned into one. Instead of the usual vampires looking to feed, they try to help people. They control their thirst and never feed on humans.

Vamps everywhere

Anyways, once the vampires are dealt with, Jubilee is to bring the newest vampire, Sonal, to the home base of The Forgiven to get her the medical attention she needs. Jubilee’s goal for Sonal to get the same treatment she got when she was turned into a vampire, to be able to control her thirst and help others. However, her journey is cut short by even more violent vampires out for blood.

Cover Art by Erica D’Urso & Rachelle Rosenberg. Published by Marvel Entertainment

The Art

The artwork is fantastic in X-Men: Blood Hunt – Jubilee! The bright pink and yellow of Jubilee’s classic look contrasts very well with the dark and gritty scenes she’s in. Her light blasts look beautiful with a rainbow aura around them juxtaposed with the gloomy looking backgrounds.

I also really appreciate how The Forgiven is drawn and colored. Each member has their own look that is very different from the others but they mesh so well together at the same time. It’s expertly shown how each member has their own personality but still works together as one.

The Writing

The story shows a lot of depth for Jubilee during the Blood Hunt event. I like how it shows her empathic side of wanting to give the vampires the same chance she got when she was one of them. Out of all the Blood Hunt comic books, we haven’t gotten to see too much of a character seeing it from that perspective. Jubilee’s inner conscious fighting between what’s the smart decision and what she feels is morally right was refreshing to see. I think this was the perfect storyline for Jubilee and it was perfectly written.

Final Thoughts

I’m loving all of the Blood Hunt comics coming out but this one felt like it made the most sense for the character. Like I mentioned before, I think Jubilee is pretty underrated and this showed just how helpful she can be just by using the knowledge of her past. X-Men: Blood Hunt – Jubilee is a lot of fun and an interesting look at how other vampires are looking at the Blood Hunt situation.

I give this a 9 out of 10

This article was written by me, Megan! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of X-Men: Blood Hunt – Jubilee #1, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of The Nerd Haven on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer and asst. editor/ brand advisor for Nerd Initiative. Penguin enthusiast.

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