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Miles Morales: SPIDER-MAN #21 – The Blood Hunt Frenzy?


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Credit: Federico Vicentini Marvel Comics

Writer: Cody Ziglar

Artist: Brent Peeples

Artist: Danielle Picciotto

Colorist: Bryan Valenza

Letterer: Cory Petit

Assistant Editor: Kaeden McGahey

Editor: Tom Groneman 

Executive Editor: Nick Lowe

Publisher: Marvel Comics

I was really excited to see that this issue was a special edition towards, the Blood hunt series. Miles Morales is faced with vampires all over the city.

He is trying to wrangle them in, and try and get them to stop attacking people who are not. Miles also has the opportunity to team up with Dracula, which is really awesome. My favorite part though is Miles working with Blade. 


Blade seems like a “big brother figure” to Miles, and was teaching him the ways on how to defeat the vampires. Blade then says that Miles must understand the perspective, and bites him. I was so surprised about this, but I also understood as to why he did it. Miles seems to transform immediately, and now he really understands. I love that Blade shows up in this issue, it’s refreshing to see other characters that want to help Miles.

At the end of the issue, is a cliffhanger involving a villain who has now been awakened. I am really curious how they will handle it in the next issue. I really enjoyed this issue, it’s really awesome to divert for at least one issue, on a different topic like vampires. I cannot wait to read what is next. I really hope that also, Blade shows up in a different issue, because I would love to see him again.

I give this a 9.5/10.


Janelle Holland
Janelle Holland
My name is Janelle, and I love comics, T.V. shows, movies. I enjoy everything from Marvel to DC. You can usually find me with a comic book in my hand and some coffee.

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